American Education System

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Reality is the education system got the feds involved. Then they started handing out money. Then, it became an institution for not just educating children in math, science, history, etc it became an influenced by socialist/marxist movement which goes back to the 1930's and then it swelled bigger as the Dept of Education grew bigger. Not the average teacher. They mean well, but in the insitiutions of higher learning and then it made its way down to k-12.

All you have to do is look at what is taught now and what schools spend their time on. That is why the fear the sudden movement of people taking their kids out of public schools. It is about money but, it is also about control.

When you take young brains of mush and influence them, they grow into adults who can be controlled.

All you have to do is read up on Marx, the Communist Manifesto, etc and it is in there.

it is the greatest weapon govts have, start when they are young and you can control them when they are older.

Create the problem and they say you are the solution.

Little Johnny, global warming is going to kill everyone on Earth and we have the solution. Do you want to die Little Johnny and don't you care about the Penquins? Do you want the ocean to be in Lincoln, Nebraska? So, Johnny give us control. You should eat Soy burgers because meat is bad and farming cattle is bad. you need an electric car to safe the Earth Little Johnny. Meanwhile the kid in Africa is digging in Cobalt mines and we are fighting proxy wars on every continent.

That is the problem with education. It is not about teach math anymore or how to read. It is full on indoctrination.

Much of this got exposed during the "pandemic". But, we have a large segment of population now that wants to be lead and told what to do. It starts when they are young.
It's obvious the education system failed you. You Godless lying trumptard oath breaker.
Still waiting on some trump chum...
When you can't come up with any new topics to post about that elicit interest, you have two options:
1) Pretend you're 1988 and make posts that frequently get no responses
2) Steal a subject that I posted about from another board

HerMan went with strategy #2 in this thread.
The competitive thread to herdmans thread on the poor man's main forum is pretty strong for a troll thread. Lots of fascinating takes, dumbass takes, and one asshole even brought up baseball in the thread.

Does Brad read these forums when not taking selfies with his girlfriend or bragging about how rich he is on social media to a bunch of followers that barely make the middle class cut line?
pretty strong for a troll thread.
It always works.

one asshole even brought up baseball in the thread.
He’s been more aggressive than usual lately. I don’t know if it’s work-related issues, wife troubles, or just Jermaine’s blackness running off on him, but he does have an attitude of late.

Does Brad read these forums when not taking selfies with his girlfriend or bragging about how rich he is on social media to a bunch of followers that barely make the middle class cut line?
Bradley doesn’t need to browse the board. His fluffer, @herdfella , tells him all about the comments on this board in between jerks.
I have (in English and German). I have also read Sorel's Reflections on Violence (in English and French) and Mein Kampf (also in English and German).
I first read Mein Kampf in 8th grade for a book report; you can get away with some odd stuff in a private evangelical Christian school at a younger age without causing a shit storm (or get paddled for stuff that is ridiculous, it was both the best and the worst of times). That's when I figured out the Nazis were a hell of a lot worse than school had told me. If there is one thing that has changed in education that I appreciate, it is that we no longer beat around the bush about the darkest parts of history.
When you can't come up with any new topics to post about that elicit interest, you have two options:
1) Pretend you're 1988 and make posts that frequently get no responses
2) Steal a subject that I posted about from another board

HerMan went with strategy #2 in this thread.
Mean Girls Stalker GIF

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