For those of you who watched Huff’s….

W-S HerdFan

Platinum Buffalo
Aug 14, 2002
Sarasota, FL
…pre-game pep talk in the locker room:
What did he reference just before he stated:
“…I’ve told you before: there’s only ?????..Michael Jackson, Lebron James and the Thundering Herd!”
As he moved to exit stage right!
I rewound 3 times & still could not comprehend.
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…pre-game pep talk in the locker room:
What did he reference just before he stated:
“…????, Michael Jackson, Lebron James and the Thundering Herd!”
As he moved to exit stage right!
I rewound 3 times & still could not comprehend.
Sellouts happen for 3 reasons.
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I saw that video and thought it was a great quote by Huff. Also Spears is a nice guy, he and Smith were in the West lot Saturday walking around talking to the fans and shaking hands. Spears stopped and talked to me and my group for about 5 minutes which I thought was nice. Breath of fresh air in this administration.
I saw that video and thought it was a great quote by Huff. Also Spears is a nice guy, he and Smith were in the West lot Saturday walking around talking to the fans and shaking hands. Spears stopped and talked to me and my group for about 5 minutes which I thought was nice. Breath of fresh air in this administration.
I saw Dr Gilbert walk the entire lot before every home game. I saw Brad but he was by himself, I think he was watching the bands down in the SE corner of the West lot. But I did not see any other breaths of fresh air prior to the game (unless you count Teddy or JS).
Brad has been to every soccer home game, as has Spears. Highly visible. Didn't see that from the previous prez or AD - once in a blue moon
Not just on game days/sports events. All over Huntington regularly. I have to say, I've never heard a student body cheer for the Marshall President the way they did last Saturday when his name was called at the game. Must be some of that "tone deafness" that allows him to connect with so many people on and off campus.
Not just on game days/sports events. All over Huntington regularly. I have to say, I've never heard a student body cheer for the Marshall President the way they did last Saturday when his name was called at the game. Must be some of that "tone deafness" that allows him to connect with so many people on and off campus.
Yep. He is very accessible and approachable. Huge hire for this school. Jmo
Not just on game days/sports events. All over Huntington regularly. I have to say, I've never heard a student body cheer for the Marshall President the way they did last Saturday when his name was called at the game. Must be some of that "tone deafness" that allows him to connect with so many people on and off campus.
I've heard that surveying chants of college aged kids is the best way to measure the tact of an individual.

If you want to be a moron on Pullman, that's somewhat understandable. But you should really try hard to not be a moron on this board.
I've heard that surveying chants of college aged kids is the best way to measure the tact of an individual.

If you want to be a moron on Pullman, that's somewhat understandable. But you should really try hard to not be a moron on this board.
Brad told me to tell you that his private jet is a really good way to travel.
I've heard that surveying chants of college aged kids is the best way to measure the tact of an individual.

If you want to be a moron on Pullman, that's somewhat understandable. But you should really try hard to not be a moron on this board.
What's wrong? Your "tone deaf" bullshit falling flat? Face it. He's liked by all who meet him. He's liked by the community, the student body, the countless number of people he's led and worked with over the years, and he didn't need a picture of himself pressing a bicycle to get the "likes".

Get some help. You keep crying for it.
Brad told me to tell you that his private jet is a really good way to travel.
does he even have one? the reason I ask is, I sat next to him on the puddle jumper from CLT to HTS when he was returning from a INTU board meeting. Maybe that was his penance for screwing up the free IRS software thing. Whatever, I still think he is doing a good job.
What's wrong? Your "tone deaf" bullshit falling flat?
He could be the world's most popular man, and it doesn't mean that his/his wife's actions aren't tone-deaf. The guy lives in one of the poorest, least educated, unhealthiest, fattest, most depressed, most addicted, etc. states in the country. As a person whose income and housing are provided by tax payers in one of the poorest, least educated, unhealthiest, fattest, most depressed, most addicted, etc. states, it is incredibly tone-deaf to make repeated posts on social media boasting about each of your luxury properties in numerous other states.

It's why you don't see FBS head coaches rolling around campus in their $400k Rolls Royce even though many of them could afford it without a care in the world.

. He's liked by all who meet him.
Except for the large number of Marshall students who protested against his hiring, the Marshall student newspaper who opposed it, the hundreds of thousands of poor tax payers who were scammed defrauded victims to his unethical business practices that cost them money. Other than all of them, he is basically Mother Teresa rolling around Huntington.

But hey, he isn't the first recent president to take advantage of and earn his money off of the weakest and poorest among us.
He could be the world's most popular man, and it doesn't mean that his/his wife's actions aren't tone-deaf. The guy lives in one of the poorest, least educated, unhealthiest, fattest, most depressed, most addicted, etc. states in the country. As a person whose income and housing are provided by tax payers in one of the poorest, least educated, unhealthiest, fattest, most depressed, most addicted, etc. states, it is incredibly tone-deaf to make repeated posts on social media boasting about each of your luxury properties in numerous other states.

It's why you don't see FBS head coaches rolling around campus in their $400k Rolls Royce even though many of them could afford it without a care in the world.

Except for the large number of Marshall students who protested against his hiring, the Marshall student newspaper who opposed it, the hundreds of thousands of poor tax payers who were scammed defrauded victims to his unethical business practices that cost them money. Other than all of them, he is basically Mother Teresa rolling around Huntington.

But hey, he isn't the first recent president to take advantage of and earn his money off of the weakest and poorest among us.
Are they still protesting??? Sorry to tell you... they are not. That makes you mad doesn't it? Keep pressing 10 speeds demonstrating your success. Leave the growth of the university up to a real leader who is getting it done.
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Are they still protesting??? Sorry to tell you... they are not. That makes you mad doesn't it? Keep pressing 10 speeds demonstrating your success. Leave the growth of the university up to a real leader who is getting it done.
That’s the thing you can’t understand. Criticizing him/his wife for being tone-deaf with those boasts doesn’t mean he is failing, isn’t the right one for the job, or isn’t doing a good job.

Your inability to acknowledge that and separate those things is an issue you have, not me.
He could be the world's most popular man, and it doesn't mean that his/his wife's actions aren't tone-deaf. The guy lives in one of the poorest, least educated, unhealthiest, fattest, most depressed, most addicted, etc. states in the country. As a person whose income and housing are provided by tax payers in one of the poorest, least educated, unhealthiest, fattest, most depressed, most addicted, etc. states, it is incredibly tone-deaf to make repeated posts on social media boasting about each of your luxury properties in numerous other states.

It's why you don't see FBS head coaches rolling around campus in their $400k Rolls Royce even though many of them could afford it without a care in the world.

Except for the large number of Marshall students who protested against his hiring, the Marshall student newspaper who opposed it, the hundreds of thousands of poor tax payers who were scammed defrauded victims to his unethical business practices that cost them money. Other than all of them, he is basically Mother Teresa rolling around Huntington.

But hey, he isn't the first recent president to take advantage of and earn his money off of the weakest and poorest among us.
that is a stretch. hahahha,

All those people against Brad Smith... Like how many ? 10 or 20? Some angry professors because he was not from the world?

His untethical practices? Yes, he was the CEO of intuit, do you think he unilaterally set the marketing strategy of their Turbo Tax division? Like he alone said, hey let's screw some guy out $49.95 or let's screw people with a 1099 so they can 't use the free version?
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His untethical practices? Yes, he was the CEO of intuit, do you think he unilaterry set the marketing strategy of their Turbo Tax division? Like he alone said, hey let's screw some guy out $49.95 or let's screw people with a 1099 so they can 't use the free version?
You clearly don't know much about what took place. A strategy that in-depth and rooted in their product, which required agreements with the U.S. government and were at best greatly manipulated and at worst egregiously breached, absolutely was signed off on by the top of the company.

All those people against Brad Smith... Like how many ? 10 or 20? Some angry professors because he was not from the world?
Use Google. Read.
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That’s the thing you can’t understand. Criticizing him/his wife for being tone-deaf with those boasts doesn’t mean he is failing, isn’t the right one for the job, or isn’t doing a good job.

Your inability to acknowledge that and separate those things is an issue you have, not me.
Funny. I dont have an issue with any of it. The only kind of person comparing "boasts", that scans the internet looking for "tone deafness" are those that put too much value in comparing themselves and what they have to others. The kind of person who intentionally attempts to get a rise out of others by: "you". Childish immature types. Thats an issue you have, not me.
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You clearly don't know much about what took place. A strategy that in-depth and rooted in their product, which required agreements with the U.S. government and were at best greatly manipulated and at worst egregiously breached, absolutely was signed off on by the top of the company.

Use Google. Read.
I did google it. I see nothing about mass protest by students. The on-line petition had 33 signatures against Brad Smith. Yes, 33 on Change.Org It mention students in an article and one person on the student government organization at Marshall.

I am sure some professors bitched because he is not from that world. However, that might be a good thing. He is not the one failing the education system. That would be typical of any organization where someone is from the outside.

I see no evidence of a mass protest against Brad Smith.
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Funny. I dont have an issue with any of it.
That's because you also like tact.

The only kind of person comparing "boasts", that scans the internet looking for "tone deafness" are those that put too much value in comparing themselves and what they have to others.
I don't think that's really a characteristic of anybody. I'm not sure people really "scan the internet looking for 'tone-deafness.'" Are you just making things up now?

The more likely scenario is that somebody comes across something during normal social media browsing and thinks to themselves, "hmm, interesting. Probably not the best message for a person to post whose salary is from tax payers in one of the poorest, fattest, unhealthiest, least educated, most depressed, most addicted, unhappiest, etc. states in the country." It's the same reaction Nick Saban would get if he or his wife posted Rolls Royces, Lamborghinis, etc. on their social media pages.

Then, when that same person randomly comes across similar tone-deaf posts by that person, it's reasonable for them to mention it on a sports message board associated with that person.

The kind of person who intentionally attempts to get a rise out of others by: "you". Childish immature types.
You need a new keyboard. Yours auto-corrected "hysterical, brings in the audience, entertaining, far more intelligent than others" to "childish immature types."
I see nothing about mass protest by students.
Straw man. I didn't say "mass protest."

I did google it. I see nothing about mass protest by students. The on-line petition had 33 signatures against Brad Smith. Yes, 33 on Change.Org It mention students in an article and one person on the student government organization at Marshall.
Wrong! 34 people have signed the petition:

I am sure some professors bitched because he is not from that world. However, that might be a good thing. He is not the one failing the education system. That would be typical of any organization where someone is from the outside.
Oh, it was far more than "some professors" bitching. It was executives from ethical companies (ethical people), tax payers, the poor, the government, and anybody who doesn't like to see sleaze succeed. Read some more (or use that ITT tutor from earlier):

I see no evidence of a mass protest against Brad Smith.
Another straw man. I didn't say "mass."
@Raoul Duke MU no worries, I'm closely monitoring this thread for any slurs so as to not place this board at risk.

So far, it's just some good, wholesome attacks on the character of the President of Marshall University.
I don't care if this board gets the ax, it's not my circus. Not that Smith would care what rifle thinks of him anyways.
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Rifle is just pissed because turbo tax wouldn’t let him use that phone he bought from taz as a business expense

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