Progressive $hit, seems like the early 1900's


Gold Buffalo
Aug 13, 2004
Riley Gaines 'ambushed and physically hit' after Saving Women's Sports speech at San Francisco State

"It is stunning that in America in 2023, it is acceptable for biological male students to violently assault a woman for standing up for women’s rights."

How dare her standing up for women's rights! She needs to learn her place in Progressive America!

""trans women are women" while placing transgender flags on the school's walls.

A real MALE should have beaten the F out of the male freak who hit her. At the end of the day a Guy hit this twenty-year-old girl.

Notice how, seems like, no one was arrested. In the early 1900's it was ok to smack your women around and nothing happens.
But if you rape Riley, she has to carry the resulting child to term.
But if you rape Riley, she has to carry the resulting child to term.
Should we just execute individuals outside the womb that are the result of rape? It sounds like you believe they hold no value in our society.
“Believe” is not part of Greeds tool kit. He’s simply following orders at central party headquarters