Torture Report

In light of the potential security as well as safety of Americans ( be that military or civilian) world wide , I question the thought or lack of thought with regards to releasing the report.

I have read about 11 pages so far. At this point , nothing close to the slaughter of 3,000 Americans on 9-11 or the death of those in the military or who were held hostage prior to being beheaded.

I realize we subscribe to not doing things as were done to our troops in WW2 (Japan) however sometimes the end justifies the means. Geneva accords or not.

JMHO on the matter.
I'm guessing the 'towel heads' (as called by wii wii) look at us crying over torturing some of their folks, and laugh at us and call us pussies. They chop our fvcking heads off, but yet we're all here crying over dunking them in water.

I realize we're not savages, and value human life, but damn. It's not like these fvckers don't deserve it.
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:
I'm guessing the 'towel heads' (as called by wii wii) look at us crying over torturing some of their folks, and laugh at us and call us pussies. They chop our fvcking heads off, but yet we're all here crying over dunking them in water.

I realize we're not savages, and value human life, but damn. It's not like these fvckers don't deserve it.
Dont forget we made them take embarrasing pictures that MIGHT get your frat in trouble.

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