XFL: Innovative or Dumb(Check out these rules)


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Jan 25, 2010
These are downright nuts. The kickoff rule intrigues me. It may cause a lot more TD returns and the rules overall might have teams scoring insanely high scores.

WFL, failed.
USFL, failed.
CFL-USA, failed.
WLAF, failed.
UFL, failed.
NFL-E, failed.
AAF, failed.

The best rule change in that whole video is the change to the punting rules.
The best rule change in that whole video is the change to the punting rules.

The USFL might have well succeeded IF they hadn't have strayed from their original plan to play in the spring to early summer. A couple of owners led by DJT wanted to move to the fall.
I like it. The kickoff is really interesting, removes the collisions, but in a way that is pro excitement. Will be interesting to see how it works out, there may be way to many TD returns.
I like it. The kickoff is really interesting, removes the collisions, but in a way that is pro excitement. Will be interesting to see how it works out, there may be way to many TD returns.
I agree...
I'm SOOOO tired of touchback, touchback, touchback.
I also like the no fair catch with the 5-yard bubble for punt returners.
One of the reasons I like to tune into CFL games is that kick and punt returns happen and are important aspects to the northern game.
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I agree...
I'm SOOOO tired of touchback, touchback, touchback.
I also like the no fair catch with the 5-yard bubble for punt returners.
One of the reasons I like to tune into CFL games is that kick and punt returns happen and are important aspects to the northern game.

I love some aspects of the Canadian game too... Their best rule is the rouge... Makes kickers more important to the game and gives teams more chances to score. I also enjoy watching one guy go in motion toward the line of scrimmage, which also leads to more scoring plays when DB's don't give enough ground and get burned.
I like it. The kickoff is really interesting, removes the collisions, but in a way that is pro excitement. Will be interesting to see how it works out, there may be way to many TD returns.

I think that is what they're going for. I think they want high scoring games that mimic a video game. If the KO rule works out I would like to see CFB and the NFL adopt it.

I wonder how an onside kick would work. Seeing how the kicking team is all the way down at the 35 and kicker is all the way back on the other 30.
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I agree...
I'm SOOOO tired of touchback, touchback, touchback.
I also like the no fair catch with the 5-yard bubble for punt returners.
One of the reasons I like to tune into CFL games is that kick and punt returns happen and are important aspects to the northern game.

CFL rules are interesting. The fumble recovery rules are unique.
I do like the XP system. The traditional XP is nearly automatic and pointless unless it's missed. This 1-2-3 pt deal with no kicking adds suspense and drama to the game. I hate kicking in football. Imagine if it weren't there. Imagine how much Doc would hate life if he didn't have FGs to sit on. Coaches would be forced to play aggressive instead of laying up for FGs.
You want to add real drama to games. No punting once you cross the 50 yard line. Maybe the opposing 45.
RhinoD said:

Once the ball crosses the 10 yard line, meaning goal to go – no field goals.

I'm down. I think just you posting that gave Doc chest pains.
I could see football eventually being like the middle school and below rules in kicking period.
I'm down. I think just you posting that gave Doc chest pains.
I could see football eventually being like the middle school and below rules in kicking period.[/QUOTE]

Wouldn't hurt my feelings. I hate it. Walk-off kicks like Rohrwasser's are awesome, but for the most part they boring and it gives coaches reasons to be conservative.
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There will always be room in the game for kickers... But I also think eliminating chip-shots would be more exciting... People love onsides kicks, long field goals and kickoff returns so keeping those plays is fine.
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Hot take: if the XFL wanted people to tune in, they'd structure it closer to old-school football (pre-NFL rules changes) as like a throwback league to the way things used to be, to attract purists who love the game. This is just arena football - funky rules, lower-tier players, yawn.
Hot take: if the XFL wanted people to tune in, they'd structure it closer to old-school football (pre-NFL rules changes) as like a throwback league to the way things used to be, to attract purists who love the game. This is just arena football - funky rules, lower-tier players, yawn.

Yea. Old school football has done wonders for our attendance. People want to see high scoring offenses with big plays. Not 23-10 grind it out games.
Yea. Old school football has done wonders for our attendance. People want to see high scoring offenses with big plays. Not 23-10 grind it out games.
Correct. People romanticize the past. Go back and watch one of those legendary 70s Steelers, 80s 9ers, or 90s Cowboys games. It's not nearly as fun as I remember it being. It's slow, clunky, and awkward.
You guys should really check out an Arena Football game live sometime. It's mind-numbing and you're ready to leave by the second quarter/15th touchdown, but it's exactly what you're saying fans want.
Vikings - 10
49ers - 27

Titans - 28
Ravens - 12

Packers - 28
Seahawks - 23

People watch it because it's the NFL. I don't know anyone that really considered these games to be super exciting. Also this is the NFL where you have the best of the best. The difference between the #1 and the #32 team really isn't that huge. Not like college anyways. If you're going to carve out a niche as an alternative league you're going to have to provide a different product. Not more of the same. You're also referencing games that are playoff games where the situation of what's at stake are drawing and keeping viewers.
You guys should really check out an Arena Football game live sometime. It's mind-numbing and you're ready to leave by the second quarter/15th touchdown, but it's exactly what you're saying fans want.

Not even the same thing. That's a 50 yards field. Also the AFL lasted for a pretty good while and had big name investing in and owning teams. I mean it lasted from 1987 to 2019. They were able to draw an consistent audience. Considering the monopoly that the NFL has on pro football I think that was pretty successful for them.
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You guys should really check out an Arena Football game live sometime. It's mind-numbing and you're ready to leave by the second quarter/15th touchdown, but it's exactly what you're saying fans want.
Correct, but that happened within today’s rules. Multiple WR sets, targeting penalties, not able to form a wedge on kickoff returns, breath on a QB above the chest and below the waist and it’s 15 yards, etc.

I agree with you that arena/Canadian league is trash. And I think the XFL will resemble too much of that kind of play and will bomb out. But nobody wants to see old school football either.
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herdalicious has left this conversation

Outside of The Titans and the 2nd Chiefs these games haven't been all that special. Nothing you can't wait to get to work and talk about the next day. the most compelling thing right now is the Titans and can they hold on. Their story has been compelling. They're actually play has not been so much as least offensively. Their QB has thrown for 72 yards and 88 yards in their last two games. Have we all not been sitting here complaining about out QB putting up those kind of stats. Henry is a beast and their defense is playing really well. If these were regular season game no one would be paying much attention.

You can believe what you want. If given the choice most fans would rather watch higher scoring games than grind it out 23-10 games. The only people that do are as you said, "purists". Which is just another word for old fans who don't like change. There aren't a lot of those.

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