“Would you like to donate to Children With Crooked Teeth?”


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 25, 2007
Is anyone other than me sick of the continual begging by charities? Every shop and restaurant seems to want an extra buck or two when you get ready to leave.

I support the organizations i believe in, but I hate being put on the spot when leaving a retail store or restaurant. One place wouldn’t even let me add it to my credit card - had to be in cash.

Charities begging, along with the ever present tip screens, are starting to irritate me. I’m getting better at just saying, “No.”
yeah, it's an easy no from me on the donations.

in the beginning i wasn't a fan of the tip screens. however, i've found that it actually saves me money. there's been more times than not that i would have tipped more than the 25% max on the tip screen. i rarely carry cash smaller than a $50 bill so leaving additional cash typically isn't an option, and i pay with CC 99.9999999% of the time as free airline tickets to whereever is a good thing.

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