150 Killed in Sri Lanka Easter Church Attack

Religion of peace. Wonder if our Muslim Congress woman is cheering these atrocities.

you know she is, it's just another something.

She will definitely blame those damn dirty Jews

When was it otherwise?

Ohh, I don’t know. Perhaps, when Christians were slaughtering millions during the Crusades?

Christians have always been persecuted, probably true for muslims also. It doesn't change the fact.
Hundreds of thousands of Muslims are incarcerated in China having committed no crimes. I’ve missed all of you Christians crying “persecution” who have posted about that.

Ohh, I don’t know. Perhaps, when Christians were slaughtering millions during the Crusades?
do you want to talk about islamic expansion as well?

I havent' watched it, but let me guess: "Christians have slaughtered millions while trying to conquer the world and force their religion on others, but Muslims may have slaughtered more in their same quest, so Christians are better!"

Don't mistake my calling out of you Christian for being hypocrites as justification or a defense of the things some Muslims do. They are just as vile as your kind. It's simply a case of calling out religious hypocrites and this board having more Christians than Muslims. If there were Muslims on this board who tried attacking Christianity for the same things their people did, those Muslim hypocrites would be called out, too.

Christians have always been persecuted, probably true for muslims also. It doesn't change the fact.

So now your claim is that Christians AND Muslims have always been persecuted? Just who is doing this persecution? The far lower number atheists? The disgusting Jews? Those violent Buddhists?

Who is committing all of this persecution against the two biggest religions in the world that account for well over half of the world's population?

Just stop with your stupid nonsense. Christians and Muslims haven't always been persecuted.

do you want to talk about islamic expansion as well?

Sure, if there are Muslims on here who want to place blame on Christianity for slaughtering millions in order to expand their religion, I'd love to call those Muslims out. Let me know where those posts are on here.

"Slaughtering millions during the Crusades"

1.7 Million is the generally accepted number of those killed in the period of the Crusades, on both sides.

No. There are millions of links from reputable sources and historians who argue that the number was far, far more than the 1.7 that Christian leaders want to claim now, just as plenty of historians claim the number that Russia put out regarding Stalin's killings were far lower than reality.
Ok. The Washington Post in a defense of Obama is downplaying the numbers killed during the 200 years of the Crusades is "Christian leaders".

From the link I posted:

Tens of thousands of people (both soldiers and civilians) were killed in the conquest of Jerusalem. The Crusaders themselves suffered; historians estimate that only one in 20 survived to even reach the Holy Land. It is estimated that 1.7 million people died in total.
Ok. The Washington Post in a defense of Obama is downplaying the numbers killed during the 200 years of the Crusades is "Christian leaders".

From the link I posted:

Yes, your first use of the link was notice enough of the source of your claim. And as I said, I can post a million links showing historians claiming the number is far, far more.
Let's see you post a million. No more, no less. One Million.

Let us also make sure that the "Millions" of deaths only include the numbers of Non-Christian deaths, not the numbers included in the sack of Constantinople, the Bosnian Crusade, or Albigensian Crusade, which were against "Christian" groups.
Let us also make sure that the "Millions" of deaths only include the numbers of Non-Christian deaths, not the numbers included in the sack of Constantinople, the Bosnian Crusade, or Albigensian Crusade, which were against "Christian" groups.

John M Robertson estimated 9 million
Henry William Elson estimated 5 million
Fielding Garrison estimated 3 million
Matthew White estimated 3 million
Charles Mackay estimated 2 million

And an article (which there are more of) discussing how even modern historians differ greatly on the number killed:
I'm not sure how recognizing that the numbers vary wildly and that there really is no way to actually know how many were killed in total, in total, not "non-Christians", is helping your case.

Besides as the good Ph.D notes the Crusades were wildly different from each other, many not "religiously motivated", but nakedly economic in focus, and some even having nothing to do with Arabs or even non-Christians.

Which is why bringing them up in this context just shows ignorance.
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I'm not sure how recognizing that the numbers vary wildly and that there really is no way to actually know how many were killed in total, in total, not "non-Christians", is helping your case.

Let me dumb it down for you.

You were the one who claimed that my "millions" comment was wrong. You claimed it was actually 1.7 million. Already, you're trying to correct me on a number that by your claim is only about 15% wrong.

But I refuted that by showing you that your 1.7 million is far, far from the number that is "generally accepted." I refuted that by showing that estimates range significantly higher than that - over 500% higher in some cases.

In other words, attempting to claim my number was wrong (when it was only about 15% different from your number) was not only foolish but it also was wrong considering how many historians believe the number was far higher.

Besides as the good Ph.D notes the Crusades were wildly different from each other, many not "religiously motivated", but nakedly economic in focus, and some even having nothing to do with Arabs or even non-Christians.

Which is why bringing them up in this context just shows ignorance.

Oh, yet all terrorist killings by Muslims are solely centered around Islam? Exactly. Yet another case of hypocrisy by a Christian.
Looking forward to seeing your link to where I said that.

Just like the Crusades, sometimes it is, sometimes it is not.

In this particular case it was.
Hundreds of thousands of Muslims are incarcerated in China having committed no crimes. I’ve missed all of you Christians crying “persecution” who have posted about that.
I actually just heard about that. For the record I don't think that is right either.

Ohh, I don’t know. Perhaps, when Christians were slaughtering millions during the Crusades?

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