I havent' watched it, but let me guess: "Christians have slaughtered millions while trying to conquer the world and force their religion on others, but Muslims may have slaughtered more in their same quest, so Christians are better!"
Don't mistake my calling out of you Christian for being hypocrites as justification or a defense of the things some Muslims do. They are just as vile as your kind. It's simply a case of calling out religious hypocrites and this board having more Christians than Muslims. If there were Muslims on this board who tried attacking Christianity for the same things their people did, those Muslim hypocrites would be called out, too.
Christians have always been persecuted, probably true for muslims also. It doesn't change the fact.
So now your claim is that Christians AND Muslims have always been persecuted? Just who is doing this persecution? The far lower number atheists? The disgusting Jews? Those violent Buddhists?
Who is committing all of this persecution against the two biggest religions in the world that account for well over half of the world's population?
Just stop with your stupid nonsense. Christians and Muslims haven't always been persecuted.
do you want to talk about islamic expansion as well?
Sure, if there are Muslims on here who want to place blame on Christianity for slaughtering millions in order to expand their religion, I'd love to call those Muslims out. Let me know where those posts are on here.
"Slaughtering millions during the Crusades"
1.7 Million is the generally accepted number of those killed in the period of the Crusades, on both sides.
No. There are millions of links from reputable sources and historians who argue that the number was far, far more than the 1.7 that Christian leaders want to claim now, just as plenty of historians claim the number that Russia put out regarding Stalin's killings were far lower than reality.