Originally posted by riflearm2:
Originally posted by i am herdman:
We are not standing along side them. Murder in this country, outside of a few federal exceptions, is a state crime. The states decide whether they support capital punishment. For example, WV does not allow capital punishment. Ohio does. There is also a strict set of circumstances that must be approved by a jury of the accused peers and a court ruled over by a judge. The accused also has a right to be represented and the expense of the people bringing the accusation. There is also an appeals process.
Those processes are not found in other countries that have the death penalty. It is not brought about by political enemies nor religion.
The other issue is we are a representative republic and again the powers not mentioned in the constitution are left to the states. First degree murder is a state crime and the fate of the convicted is left to the state.
that has absolutely nothing to do with murox's point or my point.
there are plenty of nations that have similar justice systems to what we have here, yet dont allow for the barbaric practice of government killing.
are you telling me that it is more humane to allow a person to be on death row for 20 years, never knowing when they will be killed, and giving them a week or two notice instead of executing them a couple of weeks after the incident if a judicial system rules against them? again, those things have nothing to do with the point that it is barbaric either way, but your argument still doesnt make sense.