2 reasons I think Trump will win.

Marshall Jeff

Platinum Buffalo
Jan 10, 2006
1. He's not going to go near abortion.

2. Blatant anti-Semitism of Raoul and his people.
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The left openly referring to Biden as “Genocide Joe” is exposing a ton of anger younger dems have at his entire presidency
Too bad SCOTUS derailed that student debt relief.

In all honesty, I don't think this Palestinian loving wing of the party is that big. It's just what the media is hyping right now. Most younger folks don't give a shit about Israel or Palestine. Oh no, a hundred college kids marched and yelled some bad shit about Israel....give me a few days and I can find 100 people on any given campus to march and say damn near anything. It's always been this way, that same vocal small minority.

In the end, as it is evident Trump is the nominee, he will have to be live on TV. And he will be saying some outlandish shit. IMO Trump has had a cognitive decline, in that his filter is more gone than before. This is going to turn off those swing voters. They will hold their nose and vote for Joe. And really, isn't this what Joe ran on the last time? Normalcy? It's a low bar to clear, but here we are.
Cognitive decline? Hell, I think he’s more measured now with his comments than he was in 2016. He actually avoids certain topics now unless directly pressed.

Instead of a debate they should put Biden and Trump in separate rooms, make them sit there for 6 hours to let any drugs wear off, and administer a cognitive test to each on live TV alternating questions to each. It should be like a game show with a live studio audience of undecided voters.
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Instead of a debate they should put Biden and Trump in separate rooms, make them sit there for 6 hours to let any drugs wear off, and administer a cognitive test to each on live TV alternating questions to each. It should be like a game show with a live studio audience of undecided voters.
Those making the decisions for Biden are far, far less dangerous to the country than Trump is.

Trump's former high-ranking officials, dozens of military leaders who usually stay out of politics, foreign leaders, and major corporate execs
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Hell, I think he’s more measured now with his comments than he was in 2016.
Suggesting the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should be executed is measured?

"All of these indictments that you see, I was never indicted." Wtf?

Immigration is "poisoning the blood of our country"? Blut und Boden, ja?

"In the north and in the south the poison of foreign races was eating into the body of our people." Oh wait, that was Hitler, my bad.

Trump says so much crazy shit that everyone becomes numb to it. Don't confuse numbness for "more measured." You are simply missing it because you have grown used to it....maybe you agree with it, but I hope not.
Instead of a debate they should put Biden and Trump in separate rooms...
We need some younger choices, no doubt. And it's not just cognitive decline, it's the very real possibly of one dying in office. I have faith in the continuity of government through the Vice President, but it is still not something we should actively court.
Those making the decisions for Biden are far, far less dangerous to the country than Trump is.

Trump's former high-ranking officials, dozens of military leaders who usually stay out of politics, foreign leaders, and major corporate execs
I disagree. If you could also get current military members to comment on Biden you would be shocked. He is considered a joke. **** the high rankin generals. We have too many of them anyway. Many of them are no better than a beltway swamp poltiician. THer are probably 10 or less god ones and about 24 or so that are not worth two shits, literally.

but, more importanly, Biden's people are dangerous because the are a protector of the DC Beltway and large govt. They will do anything to maintain power. Anything. They would probably nuke a state if they had to(a little exageration, but don't put anything past them). Their sole existence is to protect and grow the govt. At nearly any costs. Any.

I have told this forum before, the reason they hate Trump is because he is an outsider. Plain and simple. he is a threat to their power. Anyone from the outside will get treated that way. Why? A threat. Mush Brain is a perfect person for them. Why? He is a puppet.

These fools are going to go crazy next year. You have to understand, the modern Democrat Party cares about power. The govt is the means to their power. It is not about reducing govt intrustion or even the country. It is about power and control and them having it. They dont even care about threats to the country. They care about threats to their power. For example, the reason they don't like the 2nd amendment is because that is a threat to their power. They dont give a damn about their inners cities getting shot up. They use that as a means to go after guns. Why? IT is the great equalizer. They dont fix their own problems but use it as a sounding board.

They loved Covid controls. Helped them manipulate an election. Gave them immense power, look at blue states.

Finally, FJB.
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Too bad SCOTUS derailed that student debt relief.

In all honesty, I don't think this Palestinian loving wing of the party is that big. It's just what the media is hyping right now. Most younger folks don't give a shit about Israel or Palestine. Oh no, a hundred college kids marched and yelled some bad shit about Israel....give me a few days and I can find 100 people on any given campus to march and say damn near anything. It's always been this way, that same vocal small minority.

In the end, as it is evident Trump is the nominee, he will have to be live on TV. And he will be saying some outlandish shit. IMO Trump has had a cognitive decline, in that his filter is more gone than before. This is going to turn off those swing voters. They will hold their nose and vote for Joe. And really, isn't this what Joe ran on the last time? Normalcy? It's a low bar to clear, but here we are.
Do you believe that Biden has had a cognitive decline?
Never discount Democrats ability to cheat.

Be prepared for 2024. False flags, wag the dog, distractions..And, silencing of political opposition by Democrats amd the federal machine in DC. This has a chance to be ugly.
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Never discount Democrats ability to cheat.

Be prepared for 2024. False flags, wag the dog, distractions..And, silencing of political opposition by Democrats amd the federal machine in DC. This has a chance to be ugly.
________insurrectionist worshiping oath breaker.

Too bad SCOTUS derailed that student debt relief.

In all honesty, I don't think this Palestinian loving wing of the party is that big. It's just what the media is hyping right now. Most younger folks don't give a shit about Israel or Palestine. Oh no, a hundred college kids marched and yelled some bad shit about Israel....give me a few days and I can find 100 people on any given campus to march and say damn near anything. It's always been this way, that same vocal small minority.

In the end, as it is evident Trump is the nominee, he will have to be live on TV. And he will be saying some outlandish shit. IMO Trump has had a cognitive decline, in that his filter is more gone than before. This is going to turn off those swing voters. They will hold their nose and vote for Joe. And really, isn't this what Joe ran on the last time? Normalcy? It's a low bar to clear, but here we are.
Too bad it was a just political stunt they knew the SCOTUS would rule against from the very get-go.

And those college kids aren't only marching on campuses. The pro-Palestinian marches have become pretty sizable in major cities.

I didn't vote for Trump either time but if it means keeping Joe, Kamala, & his foreign policy out of office I probably will. I'm hearing more & more people say they won't for Biden again than anyone I have say they're not voting for Trump.
Do you understand your orange jesus incited an insurrection against the Constitution of the United States?


"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." -Trump
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"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." -Trump
You're a lying trumptard imbecile. Your orange jesus is going to prison.

You're a lying trumptard imbecile. Your orange jesus is going to prison.


Three things.

One: You're a dumbass. Just because you wish Trump incited an insurrection, doesn't mean he did. He called for a peaceful and patriotic protest.

Two: You're still a dumbass. Trump is the better of the two candidates. I will vote for Trump, because he has America's best interest in mind.

Three: You're STILL a dumbass, voting for a compromised and an America-hating pedophile. Dem-run cities and liberal colleges are rooting for the terrorist organization, Hamas. At least Pedo-Joe hasn't stooped that low....yet.
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One: You're a dumbass. Just because you wish Trump incited an insurrection, doesn't mean he did. He called for a peaceful and patriotic protest.
Your orange jesus incited an insurrection, watched it unfold on TV for 3 hours without lifting a finger, and attempted to illegally overturn the results of a free and fair election, and then promised to pardon some of those who are in prison for participating. You stupid lying idiot.
Two: You're still a dumbass. Trump is the better of the two candidates. I will vote for Trump, because he has America's best interest in mind.
Proof^^that you're an ignorant lying idiot.

Three: You're STILL a dumbass, voting for a compromised and an America-hating pedophile. Dem-run cities and liberal colleges are rooting for the terrorist organization, Hamas. At least Pedo-Joe hasn't stooped that low....yet.
You're still a lying idiot and orange jesus worshipper.
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Love the pic! If there's any justice, he'll be our next president.
You're an oath breaking imbecile.
Still False if not prove it. When you do make sure the government takes my military retirement away. You seem to think I am traitor and if you prove it I would not be eligible for my retirement.

Prove it you lying cocksucking cuck.

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