2024 Landslide

You got me!

Based on the thread title, I expected to open and see a post about how @MichiganHerd beat @extragreen in a 2024 landslide victory betting TRUMP vs Mush for a permanent ban.
There is a YouTube channel that does electoral maps daily based on current polls, historical context from the previous elections, and some other data. Most recent (yesterday) had Trump at 317.
There is a YouTube channel that does electoral maps daily based on current polls, historical context from the previous elections, and some other data. Most recent (yesterday) had Trump at 317.

Pardon my Raoul-ness here, but would you care to provide a link to said channel?
i do too.

he had one helluvan opportunity to take a step back, find some compassion, maybe attempt to bring people together versus being so divisive. he did . . . for all of 5 to 10 minutes in his speech a few days after. he then reverted back to the same ole, same ole divisive bullshit that he's been known for.

the demented side of me finds his calling out the media, calling opponents juvenile names, calling others out for their bullshit, etc., entertaining.

the larger rational side of me is sooo fvckin tired of his mouth. he had the opportunity to attempt to unite and he blew it all to hell.

i'll still vote policy and there's no way in hell i'm voting for some slut that fukt her way to the top, even if she is copying trump on policy. like the dumb cvnt would follow through with anything she promised that she previously attacked.

but, yeah, i think he'll get his ass whipped in the election. there's too many people out there who vote feelings and the left's continual lies about trump will likely overshadow the proof of what he did when he was in office.
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Cmon guys. Nobody is getting trounced. It is close right now. Go vote.

Big tech, media, the beuracracy, etc are are old one side.

Stop being negative and go vote. Tell people to go vote.

You might be pleasantly surprising November.

The bigger picture is long term. What kind of nation do you want to live in?
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You are either on the side of freedom, less govt in your finances(she has said what she wants to do), less govt, period(remember masks and controls, that is just the beginning of what they would do), and cleaning up the big state govt.

Period. She is a raised marxists, but the big story is she is a puppet for big control government. Period.
You are either on the side of freedom, less govt in your finances(she has said what she wants to do), less govt, period(remember masks and controls, that is just the beginning of what they would do), and cleaning up the big state govt.

Period. She is a raised marxists, but the big story is she is a puppet for big control government. Period.
Obama's father and the hyena's father are both known Marxists. nice job libs.

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