5% Is a big number

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
1.2 billion people say they are Muslim

Estimated 5% are radical or hate the west.

That equates to around 60 million folks that are at least sympathetic to radical Islam.

Big freakin' numbers folks.
Nuke 'em.

I know you're being facetious, but what we're doing now is not working...both in terms of foreign policy and domestic immigration. There's got to be something between all out war/Nuke em and nation-building and burying your head in the sand and calling them the JV team and a religion of peace. You can't just scream "islamaphobia" when people speak uncomfortable truths, either. A phobia is an irrational fear. If the punishment for a man kissing another man in public is death in a majority Islam country, then it's not really a phobia for gay people to be afraid of Islam.

If we want to support LGBT folks and continue to push for better treatment of women, then importing people from cultures where death is literally the state penalty for homosexuality is not a good way to do that.
The Japanese sure did not worship an emporer after taking one or two of those did they? They stopped that Kamikaze shit.

There was an actual place to bomb. Where would you strategically bomb terrorists to get a similar result of Japan unconditionally surrendering?
I know you're being facetious, but what we're doing now is not working...both in terms of foreign policy and domestic immigration. There's got to be something between all out war/Nuke em and nation-building and burying your head in the sand and calling them the JV team and a religion of peace. You can't just scream "islamaphobia" when people speak uncomfortable truths, either. A phobia is an irrational fear. If the punishment for a man kissing another man in public is death in a majority Islam country, then it's not really a phobia for gay people to be afraid of Islam.

If we want to support LGBT folks and continue to push for better treatment of women, then importing people from cultures where death is literally the state penalty for homosexuality is not a good way to do that.

Lot of people love to hear a sane solution offered, including me.....but nuking them, boots on the ground, and banning an entire religion from entering the country isn't it.
Sorry greed couldn't resist that one. It was a softball.

I don't think it would take a nuke at all
Some recent poll showed that 70% of Muslims in the U.S. would not oppose Sharia Law and 30% support it's implementation. The whole "moderate Muslim" theory is getting harder to believe when there's been multiple times a huge portion of our population, and the worlds, could have made some noise but did not.

There's something inherently wrong with either that religion or that culture or both. They think homosexuality is a sin but have man-love Thursday's. That's not an urban myth, it's real. They overlook pedophilia because Mohammed wed a 6 year old, and thus made it an expectable act. They believe it's honorable to kill a person if they have different religious beliefs. They'll kill a woman who's been raped because she was unfaithful to her husband.

They live in the birthplace of humanity but somehow got stuck in the 800th century.
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Story from my wife's school. They had a girl that would occasionally take her head scarf while at school. The parents would drop her off and when she got in the school she would remove it so she could be like other teenagers.

The father came to school one day and saw her in in the hallway. He quickly took her out of school and she didn't come back for nearly a week. He beat the hell out of her.

These same girls are in prearranged relationships made by the father to marry individuals they pick.

The mother's come to parent teacher conferences and the women can't look a male teacher or male principle in the eyes. They are forbidden to look a man in the eyes. They walk a step behind their husband.

Their religion is dangerous and many of them are loyal to the religion over the country. Hence, the danger of sharia law. The believe it is above the constitution.

Look at the problems in Europe for the last decade or more. That is what we are now facing.
this is how i would solve all the problems:



if you do not adhere 100% to the above, you stay the fvck out...
At minimum it's time at least that the media, politicians, etc can at least discuss things like Sharia law, Pew research about Muslim attitudes towards issues, "haram" issues, treatment of "apostates," etc (and how exactly a "moderate" Muslim stands on these issues) without simply being shouted down as Islamaphobes.

I'm not sure I'm for an all out ban on Muslim immigration right now, but we as a nation need to have these conversations without fear of being called a bigot by questioning what exactly a moderate believes and how they contribute and integrate (or not) into our society.
Pakistan, one of our "allies" and a fairly large player in world politics that is considered "modern" in terms of lifestyles when compared to other Arab nations just voted to allow men to "lightly beat their wives"...

if these are considered "moderates" how in the blue hell do you expect to EVER see eye to eye with those a little less "moderate"?
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Story from my wife's school. They had a girl that would occasionally take her head scarf while at school. The parents would drop her off and when she got in the school she would remove it so she could be like other teenagers.

The father came to school one day and saw her in in the hallway. He quickly took her out of school and she didn't come back for nearly a week. He beat the hell out of her.

These same girls are in prearranged relationships made by the father to marry individuals they pick.

The mother's come to parent teacher conferences and the women can't look a male teacher or male principle in the eyes. They are forbidden to look a man in the eyes. They walk a step behind their husband.

Their religion is dangerous and many of them are loyal to the religion over the country. Hence, the danger of sharia law. The believe it is above the constitution.

Look at the problems in Europe for the last decade or more. That is what we are now facing.

Crickets from the lefties on this. Their "equality" mantra goes right out the window when it comes to these issues.

They care nothing about real equality, or those that are truly oppressed.
this is what i don't get about Libs. the biggest sin any Conservative could commit would be against a woman, a LGBT person, or a Muslim... yet 70% of the Muslims in the world think woman should not be seen or heard in public (and beaten for various transgressions including sex refusal) and LGBT's should either be burned or thrown off a building...

what kind of mindfvck are you guys trying to run?
LOL @ snopes. EG refuses to accept Fox or NR or BB as a legitimate link. Fvck your snopes.
this is what i don't get about Libs. the biggest sin any Conservative could commit would be against a woman, a LGBT person, or a Muslim... yet 70% of the Muslims in the world think woman should not be seen or heard in public (and beaten for various transgressions including sex refusal) and LGBT's should either be burned or thrown off a building...

what kind of mindfvck are you guys trying to run?

It's not that complex. The biggest sin a Liberal could commit is to prevent you cons from discriminating against women, LGBT, or muslims.
"President Putin did, during his introductory remarks to a meeting of the Board of the Federal Migration Service in January 2012, speak words somewhat similar to the sentiments expressed in the item reproduced above"

from your own link dumbass...

Yeah, I noticed you left out just a bit............"but with much more moderated language and a much less inflammatory tone.
so he said the exact same thing using nicer words... i finally understand why Trump drives you guys crazy... he doesn't use the "nice" words.......
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LOL @ snopes. EG refuses to accept Fox or NR or BB as a legitimate link. Fvck your snopes.

I'm absolutely not taking up for EG at all, but I'd believe Snopes over any news agency. Besides, even if these things weren't said by these leaders it doesn't make the statements less true. It's the words and not who they're attributed to that's the point.

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