7 More Days


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
Since Crispy Lips created another four or five Fox News article threads today, the count will restart. So I will create chaos on here for another seven days, which has already shown to have a huge reduction in the number of threads, posts, and engagement on here.

Nice job, deplorables, for allowing one of your own to ruin the board. It's the same guest who did the same thing to the smack board.
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The clock has restarted.

Deplorables, it is your responsibility to police your own. You have failed monumentally. I warned you all a year ago when you tried saying "he is one of us." Nope, he's not. He ruined the smack board, and you're now allowing him to significantly hurt this board. 7 more days of this will have a long impact on the quality of posters and posts when it resets. Take care of you duties now.
This is refreshing. This board has become more interesting and I don't have to listen to unrestrained lies from the conservatives all the time.
The clock has restarted.

Deplorables, it is your responsibility to police your own. You have failed monumentally. I warned you all a year ago when you tried saying "he is one of us." Nope, he's not. He ruined the smack board, and you're now allowing him to significantly hurt this board. 7 more days of this will have a long impact on the quality of posters and posts when it resets. Take care of you duties now.

That's it. I'm calling the cops.
Talk about transgender/tampons in boys bathrooms. Cutting off little boys dicks. You guys on the left better do something about the far left. They by far are the biggest threat to decency. J believe some of our boys on the left are bisexuality. That won't bother them. On the right you suck a dick your not bisexual your a gay cocksucker. Most Americans are more like Trump than people like on the view. Sex between children and adults is the next dark place the far left will go. People follow that D like boy George followed the Dick. Good democrats are now the silent majority. Afraid to speak out against sexual perversion out of fear they will be called a bigot or racist. Get your mind off trumps nuts and straighten up your sicko party and all the perverts on your party.
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Don't show ignored content it's all the same. Lol lol. Atheist and scientologist are trying to ruin the board before Trump wins. Can't believe rifle is using eg's style. Which is no style at all.
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