Damn, Trump is the first elected official to lie.
Never knew that.
I agree with herdman, as I said last week Donald trump is being unfairly treated regarding
his constant and non-stop lying.
lying has been republicons stock in trade since Gingrich in 1992. since the first day Gingrich
and robert walker first stepped onto the house floor for special order speeches to an empty chamber, but
directed at the nation republicons have been 100% pure unadulterated liars. it's what they do - it's all
they have. in a way you can't blame them. if they tell the truth by telling citizens their true agenda is
to take from the middle class and give to their ultra rich puppet masters, their campaign cash would
be cut off and they would have no chance of getting their lies out via mass advertising and media whores.
stop picking on Donald trump about telling 10-15 outlandish lies per day, republicans have been doing
it since gringrich first crawled into the slime.