i'd ban your ass for a month on principle alone for this post. got damn you trump hating faggits that cannot enter any nonpolitical thread without bringing politics and trump into the conversation.coming attractions - CROOKED DONALD TRUMP.
Man, that place has all the who's who amongst hardened criminals. Watched a documentary about it last year. Ted Kaczynski, Sammy the Bull and other famous mobsters, OKC Bombers, Shoe Bomber, Underwear Bomber, WTC Bombers, many terrorists, and reknown serial killers. I bet their holiday dinners are a hoot.
Many of these guys are off the charts intelligent too. Hell, I would like to talk to the unabomber, just to get some insights on how to deal with peckerheads like tard and greed.Can you imagine being a guard there? That has to be a trip.
Hell, I would like to talk to the unabomber, just to get some insights on how to deal with peckerheads like tard and greed
I figure he would say you should mail them a bomb. That worked for him for almost 20 years.
His manifesto is brilliant.
I too was thinking about the intelligence level of some of these guys. This isn't dumb trailer park or ghetto trash that killed a guy over a crack rock. There's some damn intelligent guys in there. I bet Joseph Konopka is interesting...not too many people out there that hack power plants and shut down the power grid, hack and shut down air traffic control...that's movie shit. When the judge asked him why he did stuff, he simply said "I don't have a good reason"...like the Joker, he simply wanted to watch the world burn, I guess.
I think hes getting paroled this year. Konopka that is. Not Unabomber
I just watched the Netflix documentary on Ted Bundy and they absolutely picked his brain to try to help figure out profiles of serial killers etc.Makes you wonder what makes some of these guys flip their lid. I wonder of the feds try to pick their brains or get ideas on how to kill people. Or do they just lock them in the concrete cell all day?