After the glorious Democrat Republican switch and transfer

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
LBJ was to have said, ' President B. Lyndon Johnson once said, "I'll have those ******s voting Democratic for 200 years."

And this one:

According to historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, he also uttered this cynical-sounding statement, which sometimes circulates in tandem with the “voting Democratic” remark:

These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.

We need to start exposing the Democrats for who they really are as they try to hide their past.

They are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
I came across these pictures a couple of days ago. Tell me, HerMan, do you think these would be Democratic or Republican voters today? The people flying Confederate flags today- do you think they are Democratic or Republican voters?








I came across these pictures a couple of days ago. Tell me, HerMan, do you think these would be Democratic or Republican voters today? The people flying Confederate flags today- do you think they are Democratic or Republican voters?








Racism is systemic so it doesn’t matter what they would be. It’s all whiteys fault
That's the history of the Democrat Party. Thanks for sharing, rifle.

You cowardly avoided the question. Do you think those voters are Republicans or Democrats today? Who do you see flying the Confederate flag, Republicans or Democrats?
You cowardly avoided the question. Do you think those voters are Republicans or Democrats today? Who do you see flying the Confederate flag, Republicans or Democrats?
Nobody I know flies the Confederate flag. There are plenty of Republicans in Northern states. I can't imagine they raise a toast to Jefferson Davis and have a velvet painting of Stonewall Jackson.
How many times can you prove that you're a coward by avoiding the question?
You asked me if people who fly the Confederate flag D or R? I don't know anybody that flies the Confederate flag? So, how would I know? The Democrat Party has a long history of racism and hidden racism today.
This is what idiots like rifle can’t understand (or at least pretend not to): just because the democrats supposedly gave up racism as a platform doesn’t mean the republicans ever adopted it. We have always been smarter and more compassionate, you know.
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Nobody I know flies the Confederate flag. There are plenty of Republicans in Northern states. I can't imagine they raise a toast to Jefferson Davis and have a velvet painting of Stonewall Jackson.

You’ve added to your post since my post.

It's a very simple question that you should be able to answer based on the most basic of life experiences. The people who fly the Confederate flag today - do you think they are Republicans or Democrats?

This isn't a tough question. This doesn't take much life experiences.

Here, I'll dumb it down for you some more: When you go to a Humpty rally or a Biden rally, whose supporters do you more often see flying a flag of, wearing a shirt/hat of, or having stickers of the Confederate flag on their vehicles?
You’ve added to your post since my post.

It's a very simple question that you should be able to answer based on the most basic of life experiences. The people who fly the Confederate flag today - do you think they are Republicans or Democrats?

This isn't a tough question. This doesn't take much life experiences.

Here, I'll dumb it down for you some more: When you go to a Humpty rally or a Biden rally, whose supporters do you more often see flying a flag of, wearing a shirt/hat of, or having stickers of the Confederate flag on their vehicles?

I live in NC every day of my life. When I am not in NC, most of my time is in SC. You know how many confederate flags I see in a a day? 99.999% of the time that would be zero. I saw one guy last week mowing his yard with a yard with hat with a confederate symbol on it. I am guessing by the looks of him he has never voted.
Here are some of today's Trumpublicans in Charlottesville a couple of years back - you probably recall, "fine people on both sides". Check out the Make America Great Again hat in the last photo.


Interesting read re: the alleged Democrat/Republican "switch."

If by "interesting," you mean "extremely poorly written and researched," then I'd agree.

I've read about the first seven paragraphs of your first link and already gave up based on two extremely poorly researched and misleading comments.

First, in just his third paragraph, the author argues that blacks didn't switch to the Democratic Party due to LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act. His support for this is that blacks were already Democrats by the time LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, and he claims they "had been for some time." His support for this claim is that JFK won 68% of the black vote in 1960 which was four years before LBJ supporting and signing the Civil Rights Act. But that isn't the important aspect of the party switch. The party switch dealt more with the Democrats losing the south after southern white males flipped due to LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act. Yes, blacks already had been leaning Democrat for many decades. But once the Democrats supported the Civil Rights Act, the black vote overwhelmingly shifted even more to Democrats and the white southern vote flipped Republican.

Where is the proof of this? This is the black party Democratic affiliation for each year of presidential races:

1936: 44%
1940: 42%
1944: 40%
1948: 56%
1952: 66%
1956: 56%
1960: 58%
1964: 82%
1968: 92%
1972: 75%
1976: 84%

As you can see, though blacks were supporting Dems more than Republicans, the shift turned drastic in the same year as the Civil Rights legislation. So the author's downplaying of this by claiming blacks already supported the Dem Party is misleading. Due to the Civil Rights Act support by the Dems, blacks drastically jumped over to the Democratic Party (

The second misleading claim he made on this deals with the most important factor of this party switch: the southern whites jumping from Democratic to Republican.

Let's first define southern: in this respect, it was more the "deep south" states of Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Arkansas, Louisiana, and South Carolina. From 1880 - 1960 (remember, the LBJ Civil Rights legislation was signed in 1964) there were 21 presidential elections. In 20 of those 21 presidential elections, all six of those Deep South states voted Democrat. In other words, the Deep South was about as solid Democratic as could possibly be.

Let me rephrase that: For 80 years, over 21 straight presidential elections, all six of those Deep South states voted Democrat except for one single year. That year was 1948. Want to know what happened in that one election where the Deep South didn't vote Democrat? It was when Strom Thurmond (yes, that notoriously racist South Carolina politician) splintered from the Democratic Party and led a group called the States' Right Democratic Party. Why did that party form? It was due to southern whites being angry with the Democratic Party for their growing support of Civil Rights. So what happened in this only year out of the previous 80 that the Deep South states didn't vote Democrat? Every single one of those Deep South states voted for Storm Thurmond and his States' Right Democratic Party.

Just in case you forgot, all of those six Deep South states voted for a Democrat in 20 of 21 the previous elections with the one deviation being in 1948 when a candidate ran on a third-party platform vehemently against civil rights.

Then, 1964 happened. This was the year of LBJ's support and signing of the Civil Rights Act. So after overwhelming support of the Dem Party by the Deep South, what happened? They immediately switched away from The Democratic Party. Five of the six states voted Republican. There were only six states out of 50 that voted Republican, and five of them were the Deep South states. Well, maybe they flipped back in the next election in 1968? Nope. Five of the six voted for yet another third-party candidate - the infamous George Wallace who was vehemently in support of segregation. Since then, there have been 12 more presidential elections, so 72 opportunities for one of those Deep South states to vote Democrat. Out of those 72 opportunities, only 12 times have any of those Deep South states voted Democrat (and that is thanks to Bill Clinton being from one of those Deep South states).

So again, before the Civil Rights Act, the previous 21 presidential elections resulted in 0 of those Deep South states voting Republican out of 126 opportunities (21 x 6). Starting in the year of the Civil Rights Act, those same Deep South states have voted just 12 times for a Democratic candidate out of 84 opportunities.

All six of those states went from an absolute sure-thing Democratic vote to an almost absolute sure-thing Republican vote. The one hiccup in the pre-Civil Rights legislation voting was when Strom Thurmond ran on an anti-Civil Rights tickets and won those Deep South states and then when George Wallace, a huge supporter of segregation, also ran and won those Deep South States.

I mean, really - take your bias out of this and look at this voting map. Notice how drastic of a switch happened in the Deep South starting exactly in the Civil Rights legislation election:
Here are some of today's Trumpublicans in Charlottesville a couple of years back - you probably recall, "fine people on both sides". Check out the Make America Great Again hat in the last photo.



Some of the guys on this board are morons, but none of them are dumb enough and lacking in real world experience to really pretend that they don't know which party those who rock Confederate flags support.

They simply are being dishonest by acting like they don't know.

just because the democrats supposedly gave up racism as a platform doesn’t mean the republicans ever adopted it.

Eh, I can support that partially. The entire Republican Party hasn't jumped on the racism bandwagon. What has happened though is that the overwhelming shift of Deep South states to the Republican Party gave the party an electorate with strong segregationist and racist beliefs. As a result, not only have politicians had to pander to these votes (Humpty does this frequently and is why he gets called out on his racist rhetoric), but this big portion of the Republican voter base has actually influenced the party.

And this issue isn't allergic to the Democratic Party. You don't think the Democratic Party has had a smaller movement more left in the last eight years? The rise of the far left in the Democratic Party has forced politicians to pander to the far left, too. People like AOC have been voted in and given power by the increased far left influence, and more moderate Democrats have had to bend some to not piss off that portion of their electorate.

But again - you denying that the Republican Party isn't the home of racism? That's absurd, burying your head in the sand, and makes you look foolish. It doesn't mean that every Republican is racist. It doesn't mean that the majority of Republicans are racist. But your party is the home of racism currently, and Humpty's rhetoric has reinforced that fragment of the Republican Party and allowed them to be comfortable voicing their views which has compounded the issue for your party.
And keep in mind the source of the first linked article....John Wood,Jr. He is the former Vice-Chairman of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County.
Some of the guys on this board are morons, but none of them are dumb enough and lacking in real world experience to really pretend that they don't know which party those who rock Confederate flags support.

They simply are being dishonest by acting like they don't know.

Eh, I can support that partially. The entire Republican Party hasn't jumped on the racism bandwagon. What has happened though is that the overwhelming shift of Deep South states to the Republican Party gave the party an electorate with strong segregationist and racist beliefs. As a result, not only have politicians had to pander to these votes (Humpty does this frequently and is why he gets called out on his racist rhetoric), but this big portion of the Republican voter base has actually influenced the party.

And this issue isn't allergic to the Democratic Party. You don't think the Democratic Party has had a smaller movement more left in the last eight years? The rise of the far left in the Democratic Party has forced politicians to pander to the far left, too. People like AOC have been voted in and given power by the increased far left influence, and more moderate Democrats have had to bend some to not piss off that portion of their electorate.

But again - you denying that the Republican Party isn't the home of racism? That's absurd, burying your head in the sand, and makes you look foolish. It doesn't mean that every Republican is racist. It doesn't mean that the majority of Republicans are racist. But your party is the home of racism currently, and Humpty's rhetoric has reinforced that fragment of the Republican Party and allowed them to be comfortable voicing their views which has compounded the issue for your party.

A Republican is more likely to say that a black person’s actions irritate them. Rap music, black on black crime, culture, etc.

A Democrat is more likely to think they’re smarter than a black person and know what’s best for them.

Both can be somewhat racist, but in a different form. No party has a monopoly on it.
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Some of the guys on this board are morons, but none of them are dumb enough and lacking in real world experience to really pretend that they don't know which party those who rock Confederate flags support.

They simply are being dishonest by acting like they don't know.

Eh, I can support that partially. The entire Republican Party hasn't jumped on the racism bandwagon. What has happened though is that the overwhelming shift of Deep South states to the Republican Party gave the party an electorate with strong segregationist and racist beliefs. As a result, not only have politicians had to pander to these votes (Humpty does this frequently and is why he gets called out on his racist rhetoric), but this big portion of the Republican voter base has actually influenced the party.

And this issue isn't allergic to the Democratic Party. You don't think the Democratic Party has had a smaller movement more left in the last eight years? The rise of the far left in the Democratic Party has forced politicians to pander to the far left, too. People like AOC have been voted in and given power by the increased far left influence, and more moderate Democrats have had to bend some to not piss off that portion of their electorate.

But again - you denying that the Republican Party isn't the home of racism? That's absurd, burying your head in the sand, and makes you look foolish. It doesn't mean that every Republican is racist. It doesn't mean that the majority of Republicans are racist. But your party is the home of racism currently, and Humpty's rhetoric has reinforced that fragment of the Republican Party and allowed them to be comfortable voicing their views which has compounded the issue for your party.
Hey, motormouth, have you ever responded to a post in 1 or 2 sentences, instead of a dissertation?
A Republican is more likely to say that a black person’s actions irritate them. Rap music, black on black crime, culture, etc.

A Democrat is more likely to think they’re smarter than a black person and know what’s best for them.

Both can be somewhat racist, but in a different form. No party has a monopoly on it.

When it comes to pure racism, it isn't even close.

Again, all you have to do is look at the link of the voting maps that I presented earlier. 21 straight elections where every Deep South state voted for a Democrat (with the exception of one where they voted for an avowed racist). In the very year that the Democrats signed civil rights legislation, all of those Deep South states immediately switched and have been extremely loyal to [first] a third-party created solely to fight civil rights and then to the Republican Party.

You simply cannot argue those facts.

On a related note, that map also proves my repeated claim that the south is far more racist than the north, and racism is far more accepted in the south. Knowing when and why those Deep South states immediately switched many generations of devoted Democratic voting proves my argument. Hell, look at the pictures I posted showing the people with the Confederate flags who were segregationists. Many of those people would be in their mid 60s to mid 70s today. Those pictures were all based in the Deep South. Those are the people who switched from generations of Democratic voting to Republican voting based solely on Democrats not supporting racism (segregation) and fighting against racism (Civil Rights Act). Do you think all of those people in the Deep South, as reflected in the voting maps, suddenly flipped to being Republicans and suddenly dropped their racist views?
Tim Scott is black, from SC and is a Republican Senator. If the Repbulicans are so racist how did he win?
Tim Scott is black, from SC and is a Republican Senator. If the Repbulicans are so racist how did he win?

Read my earlier comments. Not all Republicans are racist. Not even the majority of Republicans are significantly racist. But overall, racists overwhelmingly identify as Republicans over Democrats.

The Republican Party is the home for racists. Your leader has only reinforced that with his racial rhetoric, dogwhistles, and pandering to those types of people instead of sharply rebuking them like most politicians, including other Republicans, do.
Rayshard Brooks Atlanta- Erika Shields Chief of Police Democrat, Reported to Mayor Keisha Bottoms- Democrat.

Breonna Taylor Louisville- Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer Democrat,

George Floyd Minneapolis- Chief of Police Medaria Arradondo Democrat, Reports to Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey Democrat, Governor Tim Walz Democrat

Tamir Rice Cleveland Ohio- Mayor Frank Jackson Democrat

Michael Brown Ferguson Missouri, Mayor James Knowles Republican
If you keep changing the subject, you won't look as foolish as you did with your previous answers.
Rayshard Brooks Atlanta- Erika Shields Chief of Police Democrat, Reported to Mayor Keisha Bottoms- Democrat.

Breonna Taylor Louisville- Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer Democrat,

George Floyd Minneapolis- Chief of Police Medaria Arradondo Democrat, Reports to Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey Democrat, Governor Tim Walz Democrat

Tamir Rice Cleveland Ohio- Mayor Frank Jackson Democrat

Michael Brown Ferguson Missouri, Mayor James Knowles Republican

So cities with large numbers of blacks are more likely to have questionable police actions* against blacks...Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.

* I find nothing questionable about the Brown and Taylor incidents. The only questionable thing about the Brooks incident is a lack of situational awareness. The Rice incident is kinda stinky due to nothing that happened in the few critical seconds of the shooting.
Helen Pluckrose , an editor at Aero, was one of the Grievance Studies hoax authors. She’s pretty bright.

"Critical Social Justice theories of whiteness represent a complex and internally consistent belief system that is the result of at least fifty years of discourse theory. The similarities between this belief system and belief systems more instantly recognisable as religious which also believe in original sin, powerful but insidious forces of evil, a priesthood, epiphany and atonement are clear."

I have been playing with the thought that we are seeing cult-like behavior, or a sort of Inquisition.
"Critical Social Justice theories of whiteness represent a complex and internally consistent belief system that is the result of at least fifty years of discourse theory. The similarities between this belief system and belief systems more instantly recognisable as religious which also believe in original sin, powerful but insidious forces of evil, a priesthood, epiphany and atonement are clear."

I have been playing with the thought that we are seeing cult-like behavior, or a sort of Inquisition.

You’re not alone. A lot of good discussion on that out there. john McWhorter (Black intellectual/linguist at Colombia) is writing a book about it.
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I came across these pictures a couple of days ago. Tell me, HerMan, do you think these would be Democratic or Republican voters today? The people flying Confederate flags today- do you think they are Democratic or Republican voters?








I’m not sure you should be posting this kind of stuff, since in another thread you admitted that you are a racist. Durham knows!