america agrees with clinton trump is a bigot


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
The Post poll, which found Clinton leading Trump by five points among likely voters nationwide, also found that 60 percent of Americans believe Trump “is biased against women and minorities,” with 48 percent believing that strongly. According to the crosstabs, college educated whites believe this by 57-41, and college educated white women — a crucial demographic that the campaigns are fighting over — believe it by 61-39.

What’s more, majorities of college educated white men and non-college white women also believe this. Indeed, as James Downie puts it: “At this point, the only group of voters that doesn’t think Trump is biased is white men without a college degree.”
I say those that say trump is a bigot fall into the bucket of deplorables. In large part because they are suckers that fall for political propaganda.

Hey dherd when did you play football for Marshall???? Liars love liars
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whether i did or didnt has nothing to do with me defending
america against all these republican putin lovers.
I think it talks to your character as a liar and explains your blinded devotion to a candidate and family of liars and cheats who use their position to enrich themselves and get girls.
you keep that up and i'm going to have to give
you 4 pinocchios - everyone on here knows i
have NEVER been in favor of the bush's
50 cent pieces. They give these damn things back as change at the concession stands at Ohio State games. What the hell is that?

These fvckers are not easy to get rid of. The Hardee's guy looked at it like it was queer as a three dollar bill, which it is. The Wendy's guy dropped the damn thing in the floor and jumped back like it was a copperhead.

I'm going to have to just save them all until the next game, then go back and dump the whole lot back on them. 50 cent pieces. Only thing worse is those shitty Sacagawea coins.
50 cent pieces. They give these damn things back as change at the concession stands at Ohio State games. What the hell is that?

These fvckers are not easy to get rid of. The Hardee's guy looked at it like it was queer as a three dollar bill, which it is. The Wendy's guy dropped the damn thing in the floor and jumped back like it was a copperhead.

I'm going to have to just save them all until the next game, then go back and dump the whole lot back on them. 50 cent pieces. Only thing worse is those shitty Sacagawea coins.

How about those dollar coins that have that woman on them? I always hated those things.