America Media Wonders About School Closures

It’s funny how virtually every single thing that people with functioning brains knew we shouldn’t do at the time, everybody’s now saying we shouldn’t have done. This is what happens when bureaucrats have too much power. Luckily, my son is basically a genius and my daughter was only in pre-K at the time. Otherwise I would’ve been really worried too. Also, thankfully, Putnam County schools actually had a backbone during the height of this.
My wife is a teacher. She knew it was dumb st the time ans she sais was will never go through that type of situation again. I agree with her. They do it again along with their liberal bias, walk in and resign. That is what I told her.

They just need to privatize schools anyway.
I give a lot of grace for early Covid….but school closures late were an outlier compared to most EU countries. We knew kids weren’t at a high risk. Teachers could be in a N95 if they wanted (you know like every nurses aid in the ER who make way less than a teacher).
Teacher unions would still have schools closed today if they could
It’s funny how virtually every single thing that people with functioning brains knew we shouldn’t do at the time, everybody’s now saying we shouldn’t have done. This is what happens when bureaucrats have too much power. Luckily, my son is basically a genius and my daughter was only in pre-K at the time. Otherwise I would’ve been really worried too. Also, thankfully, Putnam County schools actually had a backbone during the height of this.
Before that scared dork Mark Cambell unfriended me on Facebook, he would chime in on my posts in 2020 when I was yelling at the sky that this was the biggest mistake in human history. Lockdowns, school closures, masks, social distancing, the failed vaccines. I still can’t wrap my mind around how many people fell for it when it was so obvious what was going on.
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Before that scared dork Mark Cambell unfriended me on Facebook, he would chime in on my posts in 2020 when I was yelling at the sky that this was the biggest mistake in human history. Lockdowns, school closures, masks, social distancing, the failed vaccines. I still can’t wrap my mind around how many people fell for it when it was so obvious what was going on.

Same people who fall for every hoax. Smart people know these hoaxes are intended to take money and power away from ordinary citizens. Libs lap it up like a dog at a water bowl each time the new “crisis” occurs. Tell us what to do and how to do it, and tax tax tax. That will solve everything.
Same people who fall for every hoax. Smart people know these hoaxes are intended to take money and power away from ordinary citizens. Libs lap it up like a dog at a water bowl each time the new “crisis” occurs. Tell us what to do and how to do it, and tax tax tax. That will solve everything.
The plebs live being told what to think, what to do, and how to act. That's why they're plebs.
The media really is insane. You can search their own sites (even CNN) & see stories about parents showing up angry AF to school board meetings about the damage the closures were having back to January 2021. It’s one if the reasons they were equating parents to domestic terrorists.
I went through a fast-food restaurant in Florence SC a couple of weeks ago, an airport restaurant last week in Dallas.........We are doomed.
I went through a fast-food restaurant in Florence SC a couple of weeks ago, an airport restaurant last week in Dallas.........We are doomed.
Florence is in the sc corridor of shame. They have no hood period unless serious changes happen and even then nothing much will change. It’s really sad how i95 killed those counties surrounding it

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