Another mall shooting in Houston

It's been happening for decades. The media has learned that mass killings sell papers and advertising. That in turn, focuses attention on the mass killings. In addition to that, there are millions more people now than 30-40 years ago, allowing for more nutjobs as a total of the population. For example, how many are aware that there were this many killed + wounded in:

1984 (47)
1989 (54)
1991 (58)
1993 (56)
1998 (49)
1999 (98)
2007 (83)
2009 (75)
2012 (135)
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I hate to say it, but it happens? Why are we so concerned about this and not other, more prevalent issues such as people shot everyday in inner cities?

I don't think anyone was killed at this mall, yet. Nonetheless, another shooting at a place where guns aren't allowed; not hard to decipher this as the real trend.
And, regardless of his "reasoning" (or lack thereof), his actions were that of a terrorist.