Answer me this


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
Why do certain people get by with blatantly abusing forum/site/corporate rules? Blind eyes are turned against the current.

Meanwhile, standout posters are disgraced with unjust suspensions and complete abandonment.

This reminds me of the current US justice system. Is that same pattern of injustice what is taking place here?

I agree with everything herdman has recently posted.
Why do certain people get by with blatantly abusing forum/site/corporate rules? Blind eyes are turned against the current.

Meanwhile, standout posters are disgraced with unjust suspensions and complete abandonment.

This reminds me of the current US justice system. Is that same pattern of injustice what is taking place here?

I agree with everything herdman has recently posted.
Trump in 2024 will be a landslide
sign here, coward >>>> ________________________ 🐔 🐔 🐔🐔🐔

extragreen signature>>>> extragreen

landslide definition: 304 electoral votes or better