We better get our act together by the year 2000 or we’re done.
We better get our act together by the year 2000 or we’re done.
Maybe that's a good sign that I should move back to the country.Every nation on planet earth is seeing the rural areas empty into the cities.
That's not an argument for Climate Change having an effect on Syria.
Every nation on planet earth is seeing the rural areas empty into the cities.
That's not an argument for Climate Change having an effect on Syria.
“Prolonged drought”== bombed out, dictator controlled, economically deprived, multi generation war torn nation
Most importantly, from what blog did BC copy this link? Does he not want us to know his reading habits?
You saying it was one of those articles found in the back of Playboy? I mean, they do have good articles.
We better get our act together by the year 2000 or we’re done.
Global Warming is now Climate Change.
Then, global warming is so bad that it causes the polar vortex.
Then the ice caps are melting, but then there is more ice.
It is all just a bunch of horse shit, scare tactics, and nonsense. It almost a joke now.
Well, that is the way it is presented. The moving goal post.Literally everything you wrote there is wrong.
U.S. Midwest Freezes, Australia Burns: This Is the Age of Weather Extremes
Numbing cold hit parts of the United States as wildfires raged in Australia’s record-breaking heat. Here's the climate change connection.
Maybe it is the sign of the times as illustrated in the Good Book.
I think you are far more confused about it than I am.You might ought to read it. It may not say what you think it does.
This will be an exercise in fultility but here goes...
Tell me you guys didn’t find a single outlier from a single individual among the overwhelming amount information available on the topic and actually believe you have validated your ideologically tainted belief system. I know you all are having fun reveling in your own little echo chamber of like minded individuals, but Jesus...dig in a little before you start you spike the ball 50 yards from the goal line.
There have been a ton of research, models, and predictions done since the 1970s and 1980s with amazing accuracy. Let s review a few...
Sawyer (1973)
John Sawyer published a prediction in 1973 in Nature magazine...
...where he predicted that the world would warm .6C between 1969 and 2000 and that atmospheric carbon would increase 25%.
The results...the temperature estimate was nearly spot on with global temperatures averaging between .51c and .56c. His estimate of atmospheric carbon of between 375 ppm to 400 ppm just missed the actual rate of 371 ppm. It’s probably important to mention that present levels of atmospheric carbon exceed the high end of his prediction of 400 ppm.
Broecker (1975)
The first prediction of global temperature was published In Science...
...by Columbia University prof Wally Broecker. His prediction of a rapidly warming climate after 1975 was nearly spot on up to the year 2000 predicting atmospheric carbon of 373 ppm vs 375 actual. His prediction for 2016 was slightly off with a prediction of 424 ppm with an actual of 404 ppm. More recent models take into effect the lag between increase carbon and climate warming. But using the information available at the time, the prediction is nearly spot on for 25 years and only slightly off since 2000.
Hansen et al, 1981
Dr. James Hansen of NASA published a paper in 1981...
In this paper, Hansen and his colleagues used a simple energy balance to make several predictions on climate warming. Their predictions both a slow growth and fast track model to create a range of temperatures. The overall rate predicted by Hansen using the fast-growth model actually fell 20% below observed rates.
Hansen et al, 1981
Hansen and his colleagues at the NASA Goddard Institute published this paper...
In this study, Hansen made three different predictions (A,B,C) using varying amounts of greenhouse gases in addition to CO2 and the use of cloud dynamics. His model to observed is documented here...
...and is pretty accurate.
Now for the granddaddy of scientific projection...the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)...a comprehensive study using peer reviewed published literature forming a composite of scientific thought and study available at the time.
IPCC First Assessment Report 1990
The IPCC Reports are the most comprehensive reports on GW and are considered the benchmark of Climate Change studies. In the 1990 study, a prediction of increase from 1970 to 2016 was 1 degree C. The actual observed was .85 C, making the prediction slightly higher.
IPCC Second Assessment, 1995
The second report only used available studies from 1990 forward. Their mid range scenario (most likely) predicted carbon concentration in 2016 (404 ppm) almost identical to what was observed.
IPCC Third Assessment, 2001
The third assessment relied on atmosphere/ocean circulation models from 7 different modeling groups.
The composite projected a 2016 atmospheric CO2 concentration of 406 ppm, nearly the same as what was observed. Four different future emission scenarios were used from 2000 onward, with models prior to the year 2000 using estimated historical forcings. The rate of warming between 1970 and 2016 in the THird Assessment Report was about 14% lower than what has actually been observed.
IPCC Fourth Assessment, 2007
The fourth assessment used study projections with improved atmospheric dynamics, making use of Earth System Models (incorporated biogeochemistry of carbon cycles). Through 2016, “CO2 concentrations are nearly identical to those of the A2 scenario). AR4 projections between 1970 and 2016 show warming quite close to observations, only 8% higher.”
IPCC Fifth Report, 2013
In this report, information was gathered using modeling groups all around the world, running dozens of climate models using the same set of inputs and scenarios. Global surface air temperatures in the models have warmed, ..”about 16% faster than observations since 1970. About 40% of this difference is due to air temperatures over the ocean warming faster than sea surface temperatures in the models; blended model fields only show warming 9% faster than observations.”
While you guys make hay with a single outlier, the evidence above shows that through countless studies and comprehensive gathering of the best data available, not only are scientist pretty close to their predictions, in many cases they underestimate or observe results that exceed their conservative estimates. Using one person’s predictions to indict the entire field of study in some sketchy and laughable cherry picked scenario might fool those who are gullible to the misinformation that is tweeted out daily by our president, but to any informed rational way of thinking it’s a shallow attempt to argue a point.
Tell me you guys didn’t find a single outlier from a single individual among the overwhelming amount information available on the topic and actually believe you have validated your ideologically tainted belief system.
I think you are far more confused about it than I am.
Is it really your position that this was the sole source spouting this nonsense? Really? You think the article linked in the OP was an "outlier" of what was being preached 20-30 years ago? Because if so, you are lying to yourself.
I got the main part down and I didn't have to drive to Columbus looking for answers.If someone could read the signs of the times, then Jesus would know when the end of time happens. He doesn't know.
What you understand regarding the Bible would fit in a thimble and have room left over.
Well, that is the way it is presented. The moving goal post.
It was called global warming. Now they like climate change.
It is true what they say. I have seen it. People put the posts about the frozen Al Gore and then here come the lectures about how Climate Change(formerly know as Global Warming) can cause the polar vortex. YOu know they do it. My tree hugger neighbor has already given the lecture.
If someone could read the signs of the times, then Jesus would know when the end of time happens. He doesn't know.
What you understand regarding the Bible would fit in a thimble and have room left over.
I’m looking at next week’s forcast. Mid 60s four straight days...in February. Yeah man, that Global Warming must be true.
If you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em I say.
Heck yes, its true. It is called cycles in the weather.
So this is how you’re going to play it...on one hand you ask if I really believe this guy is an outlier, and when I prove it by (purposely) posting a truckload of studies that overwhelm the notion that this guy represents conventional thought among climate scientist you call me verbose. Lol. Well done.
I’ve got this presidential tweet thing all figured out now. The limit of characters doesn’t allow him to exceed the attention span of his base.
hahaa, i actually spit my drink out,Actually, no...I’m not joining them.
I got the main part down and I didn't have to drive to Columbus looking for answers.
I'm not going to spend a ton of time in this, because I don't really care, but here's a few Google results showing this is not an "outlier" like you claim.
Point being, I'm not a climate change denier, but to act like a large number of climate scientists weren't making absurd predictions 20-30 years ago is revisionist history and does nothing to help your cause. You'd be better off admitting a majority got it wrong, but that the better studies - like the ones you posted, showing slight changes over a greater period of time - were the "outliers," but decidedly more accurate.