Anyone feel like a jackass?

Raoul Duke MU

Doctor of Journalism
Just wondering if any of you feel like a jackass for defending the indefensible when Trump was doubling down on it, only to have him abandon that position and admit it made him uncomfortable.

More important politically, do any Congressional Republicans feel like a jackass? This isn't the first time he has changed his mind on the spur of the moment and hung them out to dry. Sooner or later they are going to get tired of that shit.
“It shows how good of a person he is by listening to the will of the people and acting accordingly. Once again, everyone else is playing chess and he’s playing checkers. Winning. MAGA.”
No. He is not the first leader to ever change his mind.

It is part of the negotiations.

It sent a PR message to illegal immigrants and other countries of what might happen. I hope it goes through ever caravan of illegal immigrant trying to come in. There are consequences for entering this country illegally.
No. He is not the first leader to ever change his mind.

It is part of the negotiations.

It sent a PR message to illegal immigrants and other countries of what might happen. I hope it goes through ever caravan of illegal immigrant trying to come in. There are consequences for entering this country illegally.

And what was that message?
i would think some of you ass clowns feel like jackasses but you are too blinded to even know
No. He is not the first leader to ever change his mind.

It is part of the negotiations.

It sent a PR message to illegal immigrants and other countries of what might happen. I hope it goes through ever caravan of illegal immigrant trying to come in. There are consequences for entering this country illegally.

Now wait just a minute. cheeto said repeatedly that it was a “Democrats’ law.” So how was he sending a PR message if it was actually a practice he didn’t start?

He blamed Democrats for the issue. You’re praising cheeto for it. Which one is it?
Now wait just a minute. cheeto said repeatedly that it was a “Democrats’ law.” So how was he sending a PR message if it was actually a practice he didn’t start?

He blamed Democrats for the issue. You’re praising cheeto for it. Which one is it?
He enforced it. Used for a while. That sent a message.

And, then blamed the law on Democrats. Remember, his job is to enforce the law.

He played it beautifully.
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No. He is not the first leader to ever change his mind.

It is part of the negotiations.

It sent a PR message to illegal immigrants and other countries of what might happen. I hope it goes through ever caravan of illegal immigrant trying to come in. There are consequences for entering this country illegally.
My favorite line “it’s part of the negotiations”. Trumptards becoming negotiating geniuses
The same law existed under Obama, Bush II and the last few years of Clinton. It was sometimes enforced, sometimes not, as evidenced by the pictures of kids in cages under the Obama regime. Here's the thing though, it is the President's job to make sure the laws passed by Congress and legal rulings by the judiciary are enforced. All Trump was doing was enforcing a law and the judicial ruling on that law by the letter.

I think people have just been conditioned by the selective enforcement mantra of Obama during his 8 years. If you are a member of Congress and don't like a law, write and pass a new one. The circus by Shumer calling for the President to do the executive order was nothing but part of the game. Why would a lawmaker be insistent on a President making them and their role irrelevant in our process? It's because they will now use this to say Trump lied and is not tough on immigration. The deems never gave a chit about kids being separated from their families, just like they didn't when Obama did the same thing. They just blew up a "scandal" to get the IG report moved out of the news cycle. To their credit it worked really well.
He enforced it. Used for a while. That sent a message.

And, then blamed the law on Democrats. Remember, his job is to enforce the law.

He played it beautifully.

So you're saying he is dishonest and using children's well-being as pawns? Like I have said, morally bankrupt administration supported by uneducated bumpkins.

Here's the thing though, it is the President's job to make sure the laws passed by Congress and legal rulings by the judiciary are enforced. All Trump was doing was enforcing a law and the judicial ruling on that law by the letter.

So he is failing in his job function now or he was failing before- which one?
Section 3(a) of the Executive Order states it is legal under the law to detain families together. Yet Trump's (and people on this board) excuse has been the law required families to be separated. So either Trump lied (and you all fell for it), or Trump has issued an illegal order. Take your pick, you cannot have it both ways.

And this is where the jackass part comes in. Congressional Republicans that repeated Trump's excuse have been left without political cover. Obviously if this has caused such an uproar Trump changed his mind, going to as far as to say it made him uncomfortable, there's political fallout here. Last Friday when Trump changed his mind on the "compromise bill" within a matter of hours, he left others without cover when in between his 180 they were running their mouths with what they thought was political cover. Trump is making them step on their cranks. That's not cool from the leader of the party.

The issue is not "zero tolerance". Trump has consistently claimed his hands were tied by "law" and we had to separate families, but that was bullshit. Trump consistently claimed only Congress could change this exact situation, but that was bullshit.

Of course simpletons will stick with zero enforcement or zero tolerance, but the middle that flips votes is going to see some interesting commercials for election season.

The same law existed under Obama, Bush II and the last few years of Clinton.

Please cite the law that required the separation of families. Good luck, as I stated the Executive Order says it is lawful to detain the families together (unless of course for reasons of the welfare of the child, which is no different than the concept of child welfare laws applying to citizens).
No. He is not the first leader to ever change his mind.

No, he is not. And he is not the first to make his own party members look like bumbling idiots...but that usually comes with a heavy price, which is my point.

Notice the smart politicians, McConnell, Cornyn, even Ted Cruz first stayed the fvck away from commenting on this, and then yesterday said they were going to force a bill to end this practice. When your party leaders are rising up to rip policy away from their own party's POTUS, you know shit has gotten out of control.
No, he is not. And he is not the first to make his own party members look like bumbling idiots...but that usually comes with a heavy price, which is my point.

Notice the smart politicians, McConnell, Cornyn, even Ted Cruz first stayed the fvck away from commenting on this, and then yesterday said they were going to force a bill to end this practice. When your party leaders are rising up to rip policy away from their own party's POTUS, you know shit has gotten out of control.
I don't think Trump cares. That is why he ran. He got it take care of didn't he? Made them do something.

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