Are kids really that traumatized by what happened at the capitol?

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
I don't think so. I think this is one of those fabricated things by someone egghead in a cubicle. Oh my gosh, the kids are traumatized by this. First of all, how many kids even give a shit or are paying attention to that for more than a second? Not many, I bet. Two, if your kid is that scared of that even you have either failed as a parent or Little Johnny stands not shot in life. None. But, my guess this is just some fancy PHD type and educators pushing that shit. I can see 9/11 where you saw planes flying into buildings and people burning up on tv. Thought the nation was under some kind of major attack. But, this? Not even on the same scale. Hell, Congress was back in there for a few hours.

If your kid is that scared of it they and you need help.
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Only the sissy parents are scared. Where were they the entire summer?

As for the kids, after they seen it, they probably went back to playing video games, slashing heads off the characters. Ironically, games bought by sissy parents.
Only the sissy parents are scared. Where were they the entire summer?

As for the kids, after they seen it, they probably went back to playing video games, slashing heads off the characters. Ironically, games bought by sissy parents.

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