Are they hiding Kamala Harris just like Mush?

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
No media press conferences. She seems to be hiding. Of course, no tough questions. They don't want people to know who she is. All they want people to know is she has dark skin.
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I believe they are still panicking.
They knew they had to get rid of Joe, but they knew they couldn't step over kamala and they have to whitewash her as much as possible. Just like they did with Obama, except we didn't quite know enough about Obama in the beginning.

She is still the horrible candidate and they know it.
I believe they are still panicking.
They knew they had to get rid of Joe, but they knew they couldn't step over kamala and they have to whitewash her as much as possible. Just like they did with Obama, except we didn't quite know enough about Obama in the beginning.

She is still the horrible candidate and they know it.
Don't worry though, the media is doing their best to gaslight this.
this is how democrats' campaign now. HRC hid, Biden hid, now they are hiding Harris. They slipped up in 2016 and didn't cheat enough. Pulled out all stops in 2020 and got away with it right in front of our faces. No reason for them to change now.

bottom line, it's easier to load a van or fill up a drop box with fraudulent votes than it is to sell the Democrat agenda to the American people. handful of idiot sheep on this board excluded of course.
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If you’re critical of Kamala in any way, you’re racist. If you criticize her VP pick, you’re an anti-semite.
You’re questioning if Kamala is being hidden? That’s rich coming from “anytime, anywhere, anyplace” to fabricating poll numbers as a reason to not debate. Now, who is really hiding?

Trump will eff this up because Yankees love to run their mouths even though everyone knows they’re full of shit
Trump will eff this up because Yankees love to run their mouths even though everyone knows they’re full of shit
There is absolutely no importance if trump says the most vile, racist, unpresidential things. Look at all of the things he has said and done. His base stays with him regardless. He figured that out early and even mocked them for it with his many about shooting somebody on Fifth Ave.

Early in his first campaign, he figured out that there were enough people who were either racist or wanted to blame their lot in life on other people. By attracting their votes, he’d always have a viable base. It’s why it took him days to condemn white supremacists even though everybody was calling on him to do it. He wasn’t too busy golfing for once. His delay was a strategy to not immediately bash a significant portion of his base.

It doesn’t matter what he says or does. He won’t lose those people.
There is absolutely no importance if trump says the most vile, racist, unpresidential things. Look at all of the things he has said and done. His base stays with him regardless. He figured that out early and even mocked them for it with his many about shooting somebody on Fifth Ave.

Early in his first campaign, he figured out that there were enough people who were either racist or wanted to blame their lot in life on other people. By attracting their votes, he’d always have a viable base. It’s why it took him days to condemn white supremacists even though everybody was calling on him to do it. He wasn’t too busy golfing for once. His delay was a strategy to not immediately bash a significant portion of his base.

It doesn’t matter what he says or does. He won’t lose those people.
Crazy how it’s just the one side that will vote for the candidate now matter how big the lie or their actual record when it comes to stepping on minorities rights & freedoms. Anyway, decide who you’re for yet?
Crazy how it’s just the one side that will vote for the candidate now matter how big the lie or their actual record when it comes to stepping on minorities rights & freedoms. Anyway, decide who you’re for yet?

Here's a way to disprove your claim: Why do you think they swapped out Biden for Kamala?
Biden couldn’t win.
Yep. Now evolve your brain just a little bit more to answer why Biden couldn't win.

Here, I'll help you, because I am sure your brain must be tired by now:

Biden couldn't win, because all of the people who voted for him last time, have morals, ethics, and standards. As a result, a large number of people who previously voted for him refused to do so again due to his words and/or actions/inactions. On the other hand, trump, regardless of what he says or does, will not lose his base.

So yes, one side will vote for their candidate regardless of lies, record on things, etc. The other side won't do that, hence why Biden lost so many voters, resulting in the need for another candidate.
Yep. Now evolve your brain just a little bit more to answer why Biden couldn't win.

Here, I'll help you, because I am sure your brain must be tired by now:

Biden couldn't win, because all of the people who voted for him last time, have morals, ethics, and standards. As a result, a large number of people who previously voted for him refused to do so again due to his words and/or actions/inactions. On the other hand, trump, regardless of what he says or does, will not lose his base.

So yes, one side will vote for their candidate regardless of lies, record on things, etc. The other side won't do that, hence why Biden lost so many voters, resulting in the need for another candidate.
And I thought you couldn’t do comedy…
Yep. Now evolve your brain just a little bit more to answer why Biden couldn't win.

Here, I'll help you, because I am sure your brain must be tired by now:

Biden couldn't win, because all of the people who voted for him last time, have morals, ethics, and standards. As a result, a large number of people who previously voted for him refused to do so again due to his words and/or actions/inactions. On the other hand, trump, regardless of what he says or does, will not lose his base.

So yes, one side will vote for their candidate regardless of lies, record on things, etc. The other side won't do that, hence why Biden lost so many voters, resulting in the need for another candidate.
So they are going to vote for someone who didn't compete in their primary and was appointed in a questionable process? One that talks like she is in 7th grade and cackles? One that would have to stare down the leaders of the world and enemies? Kamala?
So they are going to vote for someone who didn't compete in their primary and was appointed in a questionable process? One that talks like she is in 7th grade and cackles? One that would have to stare down the leaders of the world and enemies? Kamala?
You are stupid enough to think your orange jesus is tough even when he's having a difficult time trying to work up the nerve to debate Kamala.
Nobody would want a manager or coach or person in charge like Kamala Harris. So, why do people vote for someone like that? The world will obviously be more dangerous and America not better off.
Nobody would want a manager or coach or person in charge like Kamala Harris. So, why do people vote for someone like that? The world will obviously be more dangerous and America not better off.
Because liberals are fvcking stupid and vote based purely on their feels, competency and intelligence be damned.
Says the trump voters
who would you rather have as your commander in chief? you think kamala can stare down China, N Korea, Iran, Russia?

This woman will be a huge mistake and it will get ugly if she is elected(or they cheat again).
who would you rather have as your commander in chief? you think kamala can stare down China, N Korea, Iran, Russia?

This woman will be a huge mistake and it will get ugly if she is elected(or they cheat again).
Liar is already making excuses for losing.^^^
My views align more towards the conservative view point. But the trump supporters on here and other places have completely lost the ability to think critically. And to just call out one side for blind support when you all do it just as much if not more is the definition of hypocrisy.
My views align more towards the conservative view point. But the trump supporters on here and other places have completely lost the ability to think critically. And to just call out one side for blind support when you all do it just as much if not more is the definition of hypocrisy.
Hey dingdong, most of us on here are on record saying we hoped the Republican candidate would have been someone OTHER than Trump, but since he's what we've got to run with, we have no choice but to support his candidacy, given the alternative.
My views align more towards the conservative view point. But the trump supporters on here and other places have completely lost the ability to think critically. And to just call out one side for blind support when you all do it just as much if not more is the definition of hypocrisy.
I’m not a Trump supporter & Kamala is trash
My views align more towards the conservative view point. But the trump supporters on here and other places have completely lost the ability to think critically. And to just call out one side for blind support when you all do it just as much if not more is the definition of hypocrisy.

Hey dingdong, most of us on here are on record saying we hoped the Republican candidate would have been someone OTHER than Trump, but since he's what we've got to run with, we have no choice but to support his candidacy, given the alternative.

and, since you indicate "trump voters", one can surmise you'll be voting for someone other than trump, which is fine. and, i get that trump's a narcissistic asshole and says stupid shit from time to time. however, because his policies align with my beliefs and even more so the other side's policies fly directly in the face of many of my beliefs, i'll be voting trump (if i vote at all as a vote for/against him in the state of WV won't move the needle). at the end of the day, though, a vote for a third option in any swing state is a vote against the party, not necessarily the politician, that you support, because, rest assured that in the end, assuming both make it through election day alive, we're going to end up with either trump or harris as the next POTUS. you just need to ask yourself which one's policies you'd rather have in place: if conservative policies, you need to stop worrying with the extraneous bullshit surround trump and vote accordingly; if you don't care, hell, vote harris/3rd party.
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My views align more towards the conservative view point. But the trump supporters on here and other places have completely lost the ability to think critically. And to just call out one side for blind support when you all do it just as much if not more is the definition of hypocrisy.
Yeah, anti trumpers are completely rational.
My views align more towards the conservative view point. But the trump supporters on here and other places have completely lost the ability to think critically. And to just call out one side for blind support when you all do it just as much if not more is the definition of hypocrisy.

It's really not blind support. Have you seen who represents the Democrat party? That's an exercise in critical thinking that maybe you should try.

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