Armed gang of illegal foreign nationals take over Colorado apartment building.

Ever wonder what would happen if we let Third World people into a First World country?

Cultures simply don’t align. Mass deportation has to occur. Keep voting for dems though. It’s working out so well for our country.

Well said. That's why there is a process for immigration into our country. A long process. Open borders aren't part of that process. Leftists/communists and their bleaters hate law-abiding citizens and want 3rd world people in here, because it takes ignorant people to vote for them.
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I saw the video. Here is a local article. Of course you can imagine the "official" line...

Kill them.

And THAT’S how we take care of the problem.

They come to America through open borders, terrorize communities, killing/torturing American citizens and leftists and their bleaters turn a blind eye, like it isn't happening.

Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country
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What's up with the police not doing shit? There's your local problem and local solution.

Feds are in charge of border security.

Local police departments get federal funding.

  • Police spending at the local level varies enormously by place and has become more reliant on federal money.
Connect the dots...

Are you really this stupid are is it an act for our benefit???
I wonder who the mayor of Aurora is....

There's a federal requirement that police funding means police can't....police?

Did you even read the article you linked?

You sure the mayor of Aurora CO is liberal?
I have no idea. But liberal policies are effecting police policies everywhere
I wonder who the mayor of Aurora is....

Wow... This is one of the dumbest things you've ever posted... TDS is really having an effect on you...

The city of Aurora operates under a council-manager form of government, where the city manager runs the city's day-to-day operations with general guidance from the city council. The Aurora City Council is composed of a mayor and ten council members. Six members are elected from districts, while the other four are elected at large. The mayor is elected by the entire city. Aurora's mayor role is largely ceremonial, but the mayor does have direct impact on policy issues as the head of city council.

There's a federal requirement that police funding means police can't....police?

Kind of like the border patrol can't patrol???

Did you even read the article you linked?

You really don't think federal funding has anything to do with local police???

You sure the mayor of Aurora CO is liberal?

See above. Denver is a sanctuary city and this is a spillover from there.

Denver's Mayor

Michael Christopher Johnston (born November 17, 1974) is an American educator and politician serving as the 46th and current mayor of Denver, Colorado. A member of the Democratic Party,

An educator, politician and Democrat... Who could have seen the incompetence...
Kind of like the border patrol can't patrol???
I take it you have never been that far south.
You really don't think federal funding has anything to do with local police???
It gives them better toys. Also gives grants for things like busting drunk drivers and, well I'll be damned it's right there in your article, going after and busting drug dealers! Also special task forces with federal agencies for shit like this....DEA, US Marshals, etc.

Violent drug dealers who also maybe sex traffic....absolutely something the local police needs to get on. Maybe they are chickenshits like those ones in that one town in Texas.
Hmmmm ....wish I could get a full-time ceremonial job.

The mayor's position is a full-time responsibility.

Typical "libertarian"....

Aurora's main decision-maker is its city manager, not its mayor. The Republican mayor and city council of Aurora did vote to not be a sanctuary city, unlike the Democrat mayor and city council of Denver which is a direct cause of the overflow into Aurora.

Your "libertarian" attempts to place all the blame on Republicans while giving Democrats a pass are really pathetic... REALLY PATHETIC...
I've not met many leftist cops. Usually quite the opposite.

We know you have a blind eye when it comes to liberals...

Who directs policy? The chief or the cop on the beat???

What's up with the police not doing shit? There's your local problem and local solution.

Actually, according to the City Council, it’s not.

The brain dead Democrat Governor of Colorado says it’s all a figment of the victims imaginations, and apparently there is a State Law that prevents the local police department from handling the situation because it would involve ICE.

Meanwhile, the Venezuelan thugs have completely taken over at least three complete apartment complexes that we know of, probably more, and are forcing the residents to pay them “rent”.

Note to you naive Kamala Harris “Joy and Love” Lefties. Your pandering Democrat Party will be sending all these “peace loving” Venezuelan “entrepreneurs” to a neighborhood near your area soon.
Note to you naive Kamala Harris “Joy and Love” Lefties. Your pandering Democrat Party will be sending all these “peace loving” Venezuelan “entrepreneurs” to a neighborhood near your area soon.
And that's the problem... liberals are so fvcking stupid and brainwashed that if any news isn't shown on their leftist news outlets, they refuse to believe it's happening. And they won't, until whatever issue is in their own neighborhood, then it's too late.

No one is staging the videos. These migrants are prisoners that have been released and/or people who had yet to be arrested and thrown into prison in their home shit hole county. What the fvck do liberals think would happen when you allow them entrance to our country?
And that's the problem... liberals are so fvcking stupid and brainwashed that if any news isn't shown on their leftist news outlets, they refuse to believe it's happening. And they won't, until whatever issue is in their own neighborhood, then it's too late.

No one is staging the videos. These migrants are prisoners that have been released and/or people who had yet to be arrested and thrown into prison in their home shit hole county. What the fvck do liberals think would happen when you allow them entrance to our country?

100% correct. Bleaters have their blinders on and refuse to believe these reports due to a blind, party-loyalty, mindset. You're also correct that by the time they figure it out/it affects them it will be too late.

It's right there in their faces and they can't see it. They are brainwashed.
And that's the problem... liberals are so fvcking stupid and brainwashed that if any news isn't shown on their leftist news outlets, they refuse to believe it's happening. And they won't, until whatever issue is in their own neighborhood, then it's too late.

No one is staging the videos. These migrants are prisoners that have been released and/or people who had yet to be arrested and thrown into prison in their home shit hole county. What the fvck do liberals think would happen when you allow them entrance to our country?
All they see is future Democrat voters
Typical of you to post links to articles you didn't read.
Your "libertarian" attempts to place all the blame on Republicans
I'm blaming the local government. I don't give a damn what team they are on. You however DO care about what team any official is on, so it's fair game to ask if you know.
blind eye
175 cops? Goddamn that's a lot 🤣

As pathetic as a moron who didn't know what party runs this city and immediately wanted to blame the libruls?


apparently there is a State Law
There's a state law that says police can't fight drug dealers and sex traffickers? Please link it.

I do support local cops not playing ICE and detaining people simply for being here illegally. Because that's a federal law enforcement issue, and because even illegal immigrants need to be able to trust local cops, that's key to solving cases. This does not apply to, you know, drug dealers, robbers, murderers, and sex traffickers.
Typical of you to post links to articles you didn't read.

So local police forces don't get federal monies??? 0% and 100% are two extremes with a lot of numbers between them but yet your extreme black and white vision can't seem to grasp that... That's a non-extreme example of you being pathetic...

I'm blaming the local government. I don't give a damn what team they are on. You however DO care about what team any official is on, so it's fair game to ask if you know.

So the federal immigration policies aren't a contributing factor???

As pathetic as a moron who didn't know what party runs this city and immediately wanted to blame the libruls?

So, you and your liberal cohorts here blame conservatives for everything too...

I think more pathetic is you not understanding the structure and responsibilities of the Aurora city government...
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