ATTACKED by bats


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 17, 2007
My daughter has a home 3 yrs old. They have had a bat come out and fly throught the house at night. Researching it they run in pairs.I went upstair to a where a small removavle door to the attic is. I climbed up a ladder and removed the removable door. Right in front of me were two big bats breathing deeply. I got a board wider than the both of them and put a flashlight right on them and gave them a wack. One flew out the hole and out the door leading to the balcony. The other bat seemed barely alive. My daughter went to make me a home made spear and while she was gone my son in law tried to grap it with gloves and it slid down downward. Its like a 30' ceiling. Now listen to this, no such thing as bat poison because they are an endangered species. Tommorrow I will enter from the first floor to retreive or kill this bat. Oh they are nasty. A whole lot of bat poop. I need to take another shower just thinking of it.They were brown colored and looked like they came from Hell.
Spray them with a water bottle when they get near an opening.

My old man shot one with a 22 revolver when I was growing up. It was in the attack and he went and got his 22 and shot it dead. I went back in with him to hold the light. He said hold your ears. Boom. Dropped it dead right there.
I saw my dad kill a rat and a bat with his fist. At the time we thought he was superman
When I lived on the farm there was a bat that liked to buzz me in the evening. It had to be the same one because we had thousands of bats every evening but only one would buzz me on the porch. I think it was just curious about humans. It never bothered me.

I'll bet you didn't need a bat to "buzz" you when you lived back on the farm. :p