

Gold Buffalo
Mar 13, 2007
We grumble about our home attendance ....... what about FAU attendance? They don't support a winner!!!
So far, they've beaten a bunch of nobodies, namely us.

Their fans aren't sure what to think of the team at this point. They haven't seen winning in years.
ALL of the directional Floridas, in both co-equal G5 leagues, have the same issue. The college and pro fandom system of their areas was laid down decades before they existed and is not going to change.

The directional Florida sports theory is simple. Florida has been booming for decades. The original state colleges can only grow so big, so they have had to add all of these directionals. All are great schools. And all are huge. So some vocal minority of students and alumni want sports and they can fund it out of a combination of a fairly low student fee spread across so many students and pork from state pols. Same thing happened in California a generation ago and in Ohio and Michigan a generation before that. Same thing is happening in Texas today as well.

And no one cares. Natives have their loyalties, and the newcomers usually ignore local culture and try to make the place more like where they came from. Students, who can get into any state college, self-select where they want to be. If sports are not your thing, Florida directional can be a great choice. Excellent state colleges.

There is a reason Florida and Florida State are a thing, and the "war on I-4" and the "Shula Bowl" are not. Same reason Ohio State is a thing and Akron and Kent State are not. Same reason Michigan and Michigan State are, and whichever directional Michigan is not. Same reason Texas is, and Texas-wherever is not. And NEVER will be.


I get what both of our directional Floridas are doing, which is toss $$ at it with retread coaches. It does not matter. It will not work in terms of anybody much caring. Even if they go 12-0.