Bad Boss and Failure Vance

Is this rifle or EG. Can't be rifle. He rails against threads with no substance. Boy the left really is going crazy. Have fun with it until sep 10th when they debate. Country like myself ain't buying how dangerous Trump is. The danger lies with the far left who spew more hate than Trump ever could. Perversion is the way should be the lefts battle cry. Let's turn this country into one big gay orgy. Left may be losing the transgender debate that it is a mental disorder so now they want your children's private parts be the center of their attention. The Olympics lost millions by sponsors pulling their money after disgusting displays of Christianity. Catlin Clark not getting picked because she is white and is not a lesbian had the united states playing in front of the smallest crowds in France. Their dominance slipped big time. These were the up your ass Olympics hosted by a bunch of Fag ungodly frenchmen