Me and Sistersville are starting our own TV show. Building things.
Anybody know a network executive that can get us started?
Anybody know a network executive that can get us started?
Me and Sistersville are starting our own TV show. Building things.
Anybody know a network executive that can get us started?
I've heard of Bubba. He's sisters with Anita Dickson. She's pretty good.No, but I know a dude who is besties with Bubba Spanxx. Maybe you and Sisters should consider cutting a record?
Not only is rifle best friends with the heads of cbs hbo and a&e, banged the wife of the exec of msnbc mtv and bravo he also wrote produced and directed 37 daytime Emmy winners.Me and Sistersville are starting our own TV show. Building things.
Anybody know a network executive that can get us started?
run-of-the-mill life.
First Kathy griffin and now Chelsea handler?!?!?! My god you are slipping.How often do you guys think about me in a day? The obsession is really odd at this point.
I apologize that I couldn't post in this thread last night. Chelsea Handler invited me out to her sold-out show, and I didn't want to disappoint me. She didn't just provide tickets and want to hang out. She made sure I was pampered. She had a table set up for me . . . made sure I was in the very first table. She had an escort ready to take me in through a designated door so that I didn't have to wait in the metal detector line and then the entrance line. Then, her personal assistant was notified when I arrived, so he came out to make sure I was comfortable and to invite me (us) backstage to get some food and drinks before spending time with Chelsea later after her show.
I really hope, at least once in your lives, you dorks get to experience something where you don't have a normal, run-of-the-mill life.
He won't be able to respond to you for a few more hours. Rosie O'Donnell saved him a front row table at the Golden Corral all you can eat buffet.First Kathy griffin and now Chelsea handler?!?!?! My god you are slipping.
No one, at any time, anywhere, has led a run-of-the-mill-life. Each one is unique and it is incomparable.
First Kathy griffin and now Chelsea handler?!?!?! My god you are slipping.
He won't be able to respond to you for a few more hours. Rosie O'Donnell saved him a front row table at the Golden Corral all you can eat buffet.
No one, at any time, anywhere, has led a run-of-the-mill-life. Each one is unique and it is incomparable.
Canadian nutjob
You keep saying that but presenting no argument.
A run of the mill life doesn’t mean everyone has the exact same number and name of children. It means they follow the same vanilla path in life in terms of major events, success (or lack thereof), how they live, etc.
Handler is better looking?
A "run-of-the-mill life", like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I'm fairly certain you wouldn't trade your life style for mine, and I know I wouldn't trade my style of life for yours. Your sexual conquests, your money, and your sphere of friends and acquaintances are not appealing to me, at all. On the other hand, I highly doubt there's anything you find appealing about my life. If you're happy, I'm happy for you. I know that I am happy. And I will repeat....there are no run-of-the-mill lives.
That has nothing to do with run-of-the-mill. Your life, like most, is run-of-the-mill. That phrase means "ordinary/normal/regular." I'm not positive, but I am guessing you live very close to where you grew up. I'm guessing you married somebody you met at a young age. You have a middle class life.
There is nothing to be ashamed about with any of that, but it is very normal compared with what most people do. In other words, "run-of-the-mill."
When grouped together, snowflakes appear to be "normal", but when viewed closely, none are run-of-the-mill and are unique.
I beg to differ. When grouping you, Dtard, Bucky and CuntryRoads together, none of you appear to be "normal."
Yes, far better looking than anything he is banging.
Again, for her age, Handler is very attractive. Pick out 100 45 year olds walking down any American street, and Handler will be one of the top few best looking
At least he's hanging with women close to his age group, or at least women that look to be the same age. Disney girls are thankful.Rifle is just butt hurt that we aren’t impressed with Chelsea handler and Kathy griffin
I know what run-of-the-mill means. Where I grew up/live, who I married, what economic class I'm in, and when I met my wife has nothing to do with it. If 500 million people lived close to where they grew up, married someone they met at a young age, and made the same exact wage doing the exact same job, it still would not be a run-of-the-mill life. No one's life is normal, it is unique. Our singular life never has and never will be even vaguely duplicated. When grouped together, snowflakes appear to be "normal", but when viewed closely, none are run-of-the-mill and are unique.
I guess man. I’m not saying she’s butt ugly, but I think this is another example of your celebrity bias.
You’re also changing your argument. It went from “Handler is better looking, far more entertaining, and far more successful than any girl you have.” to saying that she was good looking for “her age.” Those are two very different statements.
It also assumes you know each and every girl herdfan429 has in the hopper. There is no way to know that unless he sends you pictures of every girl he has been with.
I think My wife is 100 times hotter than that beast of a woman Kathy griffin and Chelsea handler. I know you won’t and the kids won’t say shit to you but I would appreciate it if you left my wife out of our discussion.How do any of my statements back up that claim of yours? Take 100 random 45 year olds that you find in public places throughout the country. Are you saying there will be more than a few who are better looking than Handler? Not a chance. Again, for a 45 year old, she is far, far more attractive than the overwhelming number of women that age.
Jesus Christ, my fvcking argument didn't change at all. YOU EVEN FVCKING QUOTED MY STATEMENT REINFORCING MY COMMENT TO HIM: "Yes, far better looking than anything he is banging." In other words, better than any girl he gets. I said the exact same fvcking thing from post to post regarding him. You even quoted it. That's not changing the argument. It is restating it with the exact same meaning.
I then went on to further argue that she is very attractive compared to the vast majority of women her age. You try so fvcking hard, but you just aren't cut out for anything other than basic communication/arguments.
I've seen what he looked like in college, what he looks like now, and his wife. Handler is far more attractive than anything he bangs.
You also once again failed reading comprehension. I said "anything he is banging," meaning presently. I didn't say "anything he's ever banged," so your attempt is yet another failure.
I think My wife is 100 times hotter than Chelsea handler.
It shows how sad you are that you go around stalking social media to check out others wives
I'm of the belief you'd be wrong. I just checked out her pictures, and she's pretty hot. Chelsea is okay, right up until the point where she opens her mouth, but she's no K...Well, you'd be wrong, back rubber.
Then how did you find out info about my high school?Well, you'd be wrong, back rubber.
I don't even know your name, Chester. Since you've been on here for a decade, as some point, you revealed/I was told who you were/saw your pics.
I don't know Michigan's name, Herdman's name (other than his first), Sisters' name, etc, but I know what they look like since at some point over the years it was revealed somehow.
If you're going to mock other people, be prepared to have reality thrown back into your face.
He's a stalker. That's how.Then how did you find out info about my high school?
the kids
autocorrected mods to kidsDafuq? None of us are spring chickens. Except for 06. And he was a spring chicken a decade ago.
Then how did you find out info about my high school?
Youre right I did discuss my high school in those terms but I never named it or what area of charlotte it was in but you sure did.You've posted your high school. You've talked about how you allegedly grew up in the 'hood and then went to the best high school in the region. You've talked about athletes from your high school.
Youre right I did discuss my high school in those terms but I never named it or what area of charlotte it was in but you sure did.
Oh and not to mention all the photos from a certain Jamaicans twitter profile.
Just admit you go out and find people’s social media pages. It’s not like you haven’t ever bragged about how easy it is for you to do or anything
Oh and not to mention all the photos from a certain Jamaicans twitter profile.
So you just admitted that you mentioned your high school by naming athletes, describing it, etc., but you fall back to claiming that I stalk you on social media. For your sake, I am glad it doesn't take intelligence to give juveniles back rubs.
Speaking of which, this just made me go look at his page. He is out of control. He now uses "wypipo" (it's a spelling blacks use to mock white people). The guy is a hell of a racist. He also has a Huntington high school basketball player who signed with Akron tweeting at him to leave him alone and stop talking about him. Really, this 30-something year old has to have a high school kid tweet him telling him to stop talking about him.