No one in their right mind thinks that college baseball is going to make $$ similar to college football or basketball.
And is not the point. The point is that the NCAA requires a school have 14 total sports (either 6 men's and 8 women's or 7 and 7, depending on football) and it requires schools actually fund scholarships and make an actual effort to win. You cannot just have football and basketball and enough girls sports to keep the Title IX cops happy, and you cannot just have foootball and basketball and make a nominal effort at this and that. You HAVE to play and actually offer scholarships in at least four more men's sports past football and basketball.
Here is the list. Baseball, Track/X-country, Fencing, Golf, Gymnastics, Hockey, Lacrosse, Rifle, Skiing, Soccer, Swimming and Diving, Tennis, Volleyball, Water Polo, and Wrestling. We have X-Country (Track would not count as another sport), Golf, and Soccer. Of those the only one CUSA sponsors a championship in that we don't have is Tennis.
No one in their right mind, likewise, would argue that baseball does not have a potential many dozens of times greater than whatever we would replace it with. So we have to get serious about baseball, or forget about baseball.
Baseball can probably break even, or certainly lose FAR less money than whatever we would replace it with. The revenue potential in Huntington, WV, of water polo, or skiing, or tennis is zero.