Becoming worrisome


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 25, 2007
We have had over a foot and a half of total snow this week and because of the cold temperatures, very little has melted away. Running out of places to stack the snow along the walk, and the amount piling up on the roof is starting to trouble me. Only good part is all the snow acts as insulation and it is very warm inside.
Professional tip: If living in parts of the world that get a lot of snowfall, you set your snowblower to send the snow as far to the left/right as possible, and then as miserable days continue on for the following four to five months, you gradually lower that flight pitch. If done correctly, you'll end up with an even six feet of snow, which extends 15 feet on each side of your driveway/walkway. Once weather begins to warm, you can then create a series of igloos, which will then make for a wonderful outdoor party near the end of March.
Used to build igloos in the winter when I was a kid. Once got mad at my mom because she said I couldn’t sleep in one I built. Bless her soul, she must have realized that sleeping in a frozen structure with several hundred pounds of snow and ice over my head was not the wisest choice.
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Remove snow with one of those propane flame throwers they sell to burn brush. Problem solved.
I had to get up on my flat roof over rmy breakfast room once with hot water to melt my scupper box which was frozen with a block of ice. We had a ton of snow and it started to melt but had no where to go. Our neighbors roofs were leaking as the snow melted and had no where to go and it was leaking in around (presumably poorly done) flashing.
Flat roofs are a pain. Every time it snows or rains hard, our local Walmart gets out all the kiddy pools from the toy department. They place them around the store to catch leaks. Today, one of the clerks said they were remodeling the entire store starting next week. Hope they do the roof.
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Remove snow with one of those propane flame throwers they sell to burn brush. Problem solved.
You might find those flame throwers in Cali. They didn't use them to clear brush when they should have, so there might be plenty available now at a cheap price. It's not like there is any brush to clear now.

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