Bedroom Doors


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
Do you all sleep with your bedroom doors open or closed? If closed, do you also lock them?
If open, why do you leave it open - children you want to hear if they need you, something else?
If closed, what do you close it?

I've always closed and locked my bedroom door, but many females I have spent the night with over the years have kept it open.
I close the kids’ doors when we put them to bed and then open them back up a little when we go to bed for the night. This allows us to hear them better if needed since they are on the other side of the house.

My old house had a bedroom door and we kept it open. My house now has more like a bedroom wing that includes a hallway, our master bath, two closets and, finally, a doorless entrance that leads to our bedroom. So you walk through a door, down a hall, by my and my wife’s closets, and then to the bedroom. We keep the door to that hallway open, generally, unless the grandparents are staying the night. The bedroom itself has no door.
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We have them all cracked barely open.

We have cats (or I should say my wife bought cats and I deal with it) and they like to come and go in different rooms throughout the night. Also like to hear the kids especially if they are sick to check on them.


If you’re single and live alone why do you close and lock the door? Just habit from growing up? Just curious.
You should close your bedroom doors. If a fire breaks out it gives you a barrier for a longer period of time. That's thr main reason to do it.

It can also be a barrier for intrusion.
closed but never locked. If if there's a fire or some other reason for quick egress then that locked door because an unnecessary obstacle
I have a loft so there is no door. Since I saw Hitchcock’s Psycho when I was a kid, I can’t even take a shower with the bathroom door closed. I want to see what’s coming. That knife wielding maniac isn’t sneaking up on me.

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If you’re single and live alone why do you close and lock the door?
The same reason that I lock the doors to my house. If somebody wants to come in your house in the middle of the night uninvited, it's reasonable to think they also don't have a problem harming you. So if you're sleeping, why would you not lock the door assuming you lock your house doors?

For a single guy, that's a lot of product in your shower.

I can see one for shampoo, one for conditioner, one for shower gel, and possibly a separate one for your face. But you have more than that. What's going on, Geezer?

closed but never locked. If if there's a fire or some other reason for quick egress then that locked door because an unnecessary obstacle
Do you have four deadbolts and three chain locks?

How the fvck does a small handle lock impede you getting out? It would take less than a half-second to unlock? Hell, you can get handle locks where it unlocks once you turn the handle which requires no additional time.

Those locks aren't stopping a grown man who wants to get to you and is willing to kick/ram down the door, but they will awake you and buy you enough time to defend yourself.
For a single guy, that's a lot of product in your shower.

I can see one for shampoo, one for conditioner, one for shower gel, and possibly a separate one for your face. But you have more than that. What's going on, Geezer?
I believe you are reading the labels incorrectly. I usually just buy a body and hair shower soap of some kind. The the next time I go to the store, I forget I bought it and buy some other brand. Eventually, I have so much soap it starts falling off the shower shelf and I stop buying until I use up what I have.
Closed and locked... otherwise the poltergeist will get me.

If someone were to break in, the second they tried to open the door my dogs would go crazy so I know it is coming. Then, getting through the locked door would buy me a little time to get ready. Those extra few seconds are enough time to get out of bed and grab a pocket knife out of my nightstand or the machete under my bed. It is a safety/comfort thing. To be fair, I don't have any kids and I'm sure that would change my evaluation.
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The same reason that I lock the doors to my house. If somebody wants to come in your house in the middle of the night uninvited, it's reasonable to think they also don't have a problem harming you. So if you're sleeping, why would you not lock the door assuming you lock your house doors?

For a single guy, that's a lot of product in your shower.

I can see one for shampoo, one for conditioner, one for shower gel, and possibly a separate one for your face. But you have more than that. What's going on, Geezer?

Do you have four deadbolts and three chain locks?

How the fvck does a small handle lock impede you getting out? It would take less than a half-second to unlock? Hell, you can get handle locks where it unlocks once you turn the handle which requires no additional time.

Those locks aren't stopping a grown man who wants to get to you and is willing to kick/ram down the door, but they will awake you and buy you enough time to defend yourself.
You never know when Fever is gonna track you down.
I closed and locked it oncE my daughter walked in on us while we were playing walk the dog. I told her my daughter didn't see anything. Truth is all she saw was my balls slamming into Mrs sitersville's ass
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I should probably refrain from posting this as several of you deranged pricks know where I live and one of you may have even been to my house, but I don't even have a key to my house, lost it 15 or 20 years ago. It's open 24/7 365. I can let you know when we're on vacation if you would like to come watch my dogs and hang out in what a bunch of the DC granolas tend to believe is part of the neighboring vacation luxury cabin rentals.

And no, we don't close the door to our bedroom at night just in case one of the GSPs want to climb in bed with us. I do sleep with a 40 cal underneath my mattress within half an arm's reach, though.
I should probably refrain from posting this as several of you deranged pricks know where I live and one of you may have even been to my house, but I don't even have a key to my house, lost it 15 or 20 years ago. It's open 24/7 365. I can let you know when we're on vacation if you would like to come watch my dogs and hang out in what a bunch of the DC granolas tend to believe is part of the neighboring vacation luxury cabin rentals.

And no, we don't close the door to our bedroom at night just in case one of the GSPs want to climb in bed with us. I do sleep with a 40 cal underneath my mattress within half an arm's reach, though.
I don't believe it. You haven't locked your house doors in 15+ years, even while on vacation? Lies.