Before It's Too Late

Hey, @Bankerreturns , you are now a moderator of the smack board over on Herdfans. If you feel you can't handle those duties, please let me know, and I will assign somebody else to that great position.

Two weeks ago, herdfans banned me for allegedly saying that I was going to "teach something" to somebody about an easy topic (that's really not what happened, and I have screenshots of everything before it was edited, but I really don't care). Inexplicably, they made me a moderator AND administrator over there. So, I've gone ahead and made some very important changes, starting with adding Banker as the moderator of one board and making me the lone moderator of the other boards.

I felt it was kind of rude of them to just suddenly force me into being a moderator without even asking if I would accept the responsibility, but I guess they needed help, so I am going to clean that cess-pool up.

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man, you really have some free time on your hands. those boys on herd fans must have really hurt your feelings.
Shockingly, they took away my administrator and moderator rights and blocked my IP address. I thought I was doing a good job.

What did e-man say? When I looked earlier, before they banned me, they had deleted all of my stuff except for my comments/posts on the moderator board and my deletion of e-man's stolen article.
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