What are your thoughts??? I am really trying to find a politician to pull for since I do vote in the Primary and General Elections
Neither will Bernie "Women need more sex to prevent cervical cancer" SandersEither way, he wont make it through the Primaries. Might as well say you will vote for Ted Cruz
I am voting for Trump. He pisses people off and is not politically correct.
Other then the fact he is a bush, what is so bad about him that republicans hate him?
Currently, out of the people with a legitimate shot, I kind of like Ben Carson. I also like Rubio, but I believe Jeb is going to be his demise. Scott Walker would be another one with a good shot.
All told, in a country of 300,000,000 people, you would think there would have to be a better candidate than these flock of folks we have now.
I would also be in favor of putting term limits on the Congress. Something has to change before it's too late. Of course, it's probably already too late.
The onus was on him to prove that he wasn't just like his dad and brother. Already failed with this cowardly repudiation of Trump. He's just another weak John McCain/Mitt Romney Republican who wants to win by outlibbing the libs.
If we're going to be a weak welfare country, then I want it to be led by a Democrat. Republicans are supposed to oppose all that. We've had two Bushes in there who have just expanded and contributed to this garbage. Jeb is just like them, probably worse.