Best example of the left's hypocrisy to date

Hey Greed and Oldie:

Kiss our asses!

When you are guys going to realize you are being played.
A former senior FBI counterintelligence official who spearheaded the Trump-Russia probe was arrested and charged over his own alleged ties to a sanctioned Russian oligarch amid the war in Ukraine.

hahhahahahahhaha, woahahahahahahjahaghlkagklhglkghlkhgklaghlkghklgh

Let's send main battle tanks! Let's send more money and weapons to the slush funds.

ahahahahahahaha,, wooahahahahahaahahhahaha
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A former senior FBI counterintelligence official who spearheaded the Trump-Russia probe was arrested and charged over his own alleged ties to a sanctioned Russian oligarch amid the war in Ukraine.

hahhahahahahhaha, woahahahahahahjahaghlkagklhglkghlkhgklaghlkghklgh

Let's send main battle tanks! Let's send more money and weapons to the slush funds.

ahahahahahahaha,, wooahahahahahaahahhahaha
Curious if this development changed any fact regarding your orange jesus-Russia probe...
The iron law of woke projection

My favorite example of this? Racism. The left continue to push policies that keep minorities poor and dependent on the government to perpetuate a never-ending voting pool, with the aid of loudmouth race-baiters and swindlers like AL Sharpton, yet they accuse the right of racism on any and every issue.

Remember, racist lefties are the ones that think blacks and Hispanics are too stupid and/or lazy to obtain identification documents. The bigotry of low expectations.
If you read into the details that lead to McGonigal’s indictment, it’s pretty damning on the alphabet boys. Had Oleg not been on the sanctions list, there’s a really good chance this wouldn’t have been caught either