Biden Escalating War in Russia

what are we doing here? we need de-escalation like yesterday.
I heard a couple.of days ago while doing some research that allegedly Mush has not even spoke to Putin since the Russian invasion. They apparently don't want peace or de-escalstion.
It's the arrogance from the Leftists that are behind the scenes, pulling Mush Brain's puppet strings. They're going to do whatever the hell they want and are trying less to hide their actions.

They have all but completely seized control of the DOJ and can prosecute their enemies at will. It's a great position for the liberal faggits who are currently eating this shit up, but at some point they may start to disagree with the insanity coming from their party, and they too will be powerless to do anything about it.
Thr Russians and Chinese never really cared for each other. They actually have a.long time border dispute.

One big mistake the USA never wanted to do was draw them closer together.

Guess what Mush Brain has done? Yep.
what are we doing here? we need de-escalation like yesterday.
Given what you've seen with Biden's foreign policy, what makes you think they have any sort of plan for de-escalation? If anything, their actions indicate the complete opposite.
I would guess Biden's plan is to escalate into war, as this has historically been given as a reason to vote for incumbent presidents /victory.
Given what you've seen with Biden's foreign policy, what makes you think they have any sort of plan for de-escalation? If anything, their actions indicate the complete opposite.

I don't know, I was just optimistic they would be winding it down in the background instead of ramping it up. THinking we took our swing at helping out, getting Russia out of Ukraine, but it looks like that'll never happen so we need tocompromise now.

apparently not.
Turn keeper into a liberal and he would post "Biden escalating war in Palestine".

Seems to me there are two issues here.

Do nations have a right to defend themselves against attacks that originate across a border?

If so, should the US support this defense by supplying arms?
Pretend you’re a Libertarian & ask the same questions
I'd ask you to pretend you know the answer as to where the Libertarian Party stands on this, but I know you do.

But they aren't in control of either side of Congress or the White House.

I find it interesting that many of the same politicians that support Israel don't support Ukraine. Do we only support those with weak enemies?
Turn keeper into a liberal and he would post "Biden escalating war in Palestine".

Seems to me there are two issues here.

Do nations have a right to defend themselves against attacks that originate across a border?

If so, should the US support this defense by supplying arms?
Russia was the invader.

The US and NATO were instigators. Ukraine is right on Russias border and was always a red line in the sand. Always. Our "smart" people knew that or maybe they were too dumb to think anything would happen. Either way it was going to happen because of the NATO push. Russia was not going to allow NATO bases in Ukraine. Period.

The big questions are what is the strategic interest of the United States? Not really one there other than saying Ukraine is NATO and we have a base there(in a their dream world).

The next question is it worth an escalating war that possibly draw US troops into it? Hell No

Is it worth the risk of escalating into a larger global conflict with a nuclear power? DUMB. Hell no.

Was it worth China and Russia growing closer together in terms of trade and militarily? Hell no.

There is no viable reason other than saying look at us, we have a checker on the board or a piece here or there.

Remember these smart people in DC have been wrong since the Korean War on a lot of shit.
Russia was the invader.

The US and NATO were instigators
Is NATO an offensive or defensive alliance?

What threat did Ukraine pose to Russia? Other than having land Russia wants.

Remember these smart people in DC have been wrong since the Korean War on a lot of shit.
One thing they haven't been wrong about is peace in Europe.
+$50B in trade vs. $2.5B in trade/year should tell anyone why Israel is more important than Ukraine. The only thing that makes Ukraine important, is the money laundering operation they conduct for most of our elected elites.
Is NATO an offensive or defensive alliance?

What threat did Ukraine pose to Russia? Other than having land Russia wants.

One thing they haven't been wrong about is peace in Europe.
The wikicables leaks to, ironically William Burns who Biden appointed to head the CIA, not only warned against NATO expansion (going against promises made to Russia) but predicted almost this exact outcome if they continued. The shit NATO is trying to do now by intentionally putting British & French “instructional” troops in harms way is just begging for further escalation
I'd ask you to pretend you know the answer as to where the Libertarian Party stands on this, but I know you do.

But they aren't in control of either side of Congress or the White House.

I find it interesting that many of the same politicians that support Israel don't support Ukraine. Do we only support those with weak enemies?

FWIW I'd prefer de escalation in both ukraine and israel.

I'm not sure the human capital is worth it in isreal to "eliminate" hamas. until they get their shit together over there if it's not hamas it'll be some other group. they're going to have to give those people their own country. no amount of bombs or raids or whatever on those palestinian people is going to fix anything.

It seems hopeless but I don’t an answer. And Israel (esp Netanyahu) are not fully innocent players. I don’t like AIPAC meddling in US elections either.


As it relates to NATO expansion, countless people (many in Clinton admin, Sachs, Mearsheimer (?spelling?) warned about expansion and what they predicted was just this…war.

I think the military industrial complex bought out enough votes to let it happen….as if you’re in nato you need nato-grade weapons and that’s a massive investment .
+$50B in trade vs. $2.5B in trade/year should tell anyone why Israel is more important than Ukraine. The only thing that makes Ukraine important, is the money laundering operation they conduct for most of our elected elites.
I'm going to guess trade with Europe is well over $1 trillion. And if Putin decides to remake the Soviet Bloc, we got a real problem.

Either way, IDGAF if trade with Israel is $0. Their strategic importance has zero to do with trade, it's an odd argument for any knowledge person to make.
many in Clinton admin
Somewhat ironically, Putin has claimed Clinton was somewhat open to Russia in NATO. Who knows if this is true. Russia would be FAR better off had they became part of greater Europe, that's for sure.....but Putin and his cronies would not be billionaires now.
I'm not sure the human capital is worth it in isreal to "eliminate" hamas.
Apparently Israel also believes this, which is why they have been somewhat indiscriminate in blowing shit up vs the kind of door to door campaign a "cleaner" counter-insurgency requires.

Anyway, there will be no two state solution as long as the Israeli right is running the show. They are just as engaged on cosmic warfare as the jihadists.
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Somewhat ironically, Putin has claimed Clinton was somewhat open to Russia in NATO. Who knows if this is true. Russia would be FAR better off had they became part of greater Europe, that's for sure.....but Putin and his cronies would not be billionaires now.

Apparently Israel also believes this, which is why they have been somewhat indiscriminate in blowing shit up vs the kind of door to door campaign a "cleaner" counter-insurgency requires.

Anyway, there will be no two state solution as long as the Israeli right is running the show. They are just as engaged on cosmic warfare as the jihadists.

Yes, I've read that was true (or read that Clinton or his aids had suggested it as an option). In hindsight was a good idea.
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Is NATO an offensive or defensive alliance?

What threat did Ukraine pose to Russia? Other than having land Russia wants.

One thing they haven't been wrong about is peace in Europe.
Ukraine became a threat to Russia when they were told they could join NATO. It is pretty simple. Did we find the Soviets a threat in Cuba? Would we find them a threat in Canada or Mexico? Of course we would.
The wikicables leaks to, ironically William Burns who Biden appointed to head the CIA, not only warned against NATO expansion (going against promises made to Russia) but predicted almost this exact outcome if they continued. The shit NATO is trying to do now by intentionally putting British & French “instructional” troops in harms way is just begging for further escalation
You know if they do that we are going to as well. The Brits and especially the French are not going to do shit without us being around.
When they tried to send nukes there's sure. I seem to recall Ukraine had some nukes but gave them up when Russia promised to never attack them....
We also told Russia we would not expand Nato, especially into Ukraine right on their border. Russia told us what would happen if Ukraine came into play. They were willing to go to war over it. It is a 2200 KM border with them.

What is our vested interested in adding Ukraine to NATO?
You know if they do that we are going to as well. The Brits and especially the French are not going to do shit without us being around.
I swear NATO is just a coalition of defense contractors pretending to be a global security alliance.
Their General Secretary, Stoltenberg, in a press conference just today addressed Ukraine & a commitment from NATO countries to eternal funding that will never drop. When you see him use the phrase “we”, keep in mind just how much the US is funding this war compared to all the other actual European countries combined.

Practically all military aid to Ukraine – 99 percent – comes from NATO Allies.
So, it makes sense that NATO should play a greater role in these efforts.
This will enable us to use the NATO structures to put our support on a firmer footing,
provide more predictability to Kyiv, and address both immediate and longer-term needs.​
Secondly, I have proposed that Allies commit to a multi-year financial pledge for Ukraine. Since Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022, Allies have provided approximately 40 billion euros worth of military support to Ukraine each year.
We must maintain at least this level of support each year, for as long as necessary.
I'd ask you to pretend you know the answer as to where the Libertarian Party stands on this, but I know you do.

But they aren't in control of either side of Congress or the White House.

I find it interesting that many of the same politicians that support Israel don't support Ukraine. Do we only support those with weak enemies?
I can tell you where this registered Libertarian stands on it. Let those countries figure it out themselves. We have enough problems here and no longer need to be the world police.
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I disagree with the title of this thread. It should read:

"Biden's handlers..."
I swear NATO is just a coalition of defense contractors pretending to be a global security alliance.
Their General Secretary, Stoltenberg, in a press conference just today addressed Ukraine & a commitment from NATO countries to eternal funding that will never drop. When you see him use the phrase “we”, keep in mind just how much the US is funding this war compared to all the other actual European countries combined.

Practically all military aid to Ukraine – 99 percent – comes from NATO Allies.
So, it makes sense that NATO should play a greater role in these efforts.
This will enable us to use the NATO structures to put our support on a firmer footing,​
provide more predictability to Kyiv, and address both immediate and longer-term needs.​
Secondly, I have proposed that Allies commit to a multi-year financial pledge for Ukraine. Since Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022, Allies have provided approximately 40 billion euros worth of military support to Ukraine each year.
We must maintain at least this level of support each year, for as long as necessary.
You know how bad it is? Erik Prince who started Blackwater is calling the shit out. Seriously.
We also told Russia we would not expand Nato, especially into Ukraine right on their border. Russia told us what would happen if Ukraine came into play. They were willing to go to war over it. It is a 2200 KM border with them.

What is our vested interested in adding Ukraine to NATO?
Russia signed the Charter for European Security in 1999. In 2002, Putin said he had no issue with growing Ukrainian ties to NATO. Sometimes after, he decided he wanted Ukraine. But you keep on believing what you have been fed. To me, his actions demonstrate that Ukraine certainly had reason to desire a defensive alliance....probably because they know Russians better than we do.
Russia signed the Charter for European Security in 1999. In 2002, Putin said he had no issue with growing Ukrainian ties to NATO. Sometimes after, he decided he wanted Ukraine. But you keep on believing what you have been fed. To me, his actions demonstrate that Ukraine certainly had reason to desire a defensive alliance....probably because they know Russians better than we do.

And you trusted Putin in 2002???
Russia signed the Charter for European Security in 1999. In 2002, Putin said he had no issue with growing Ukrainian ties to NATO. Sometimes after, he decided he wanted Ukraine. But you keep on believing what you have been fed. To me, his actions demonstrate that Ukraine certainly had reason to desire a defensive alliance....probably because they know Russians better than we do.
Lmaooo that is not even serious
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What is our vested interested in adding Ukraine to NATO?
Money laundering, but dont expect the "foreign policy expert" to give you a serious answer.
I'm going to guess trade with Europe is well over $1 trillion. And if Putin decides to remake the Soviet Bloc, we got a real problem.

Either way, IDGAF if trade with Israel is $0. Their strategic importance has zero to do with trade, it's an odd argument for any knowledge person to make.
None of which changes with Ukraine in or out of the picture. The soviets had no real interest in remaking europe. Give us some proof that's what this move into Ukraine was all about, "remaking europe". They had no interest in Ukraine until the US and Nato started the membership drumbeat.
they're going to have to give those people their own country. no amount of bombs or raids or whatever on those palestinian people is going to fix anything.
Thats already been tried, multiple times through peaceful negotiation and Hamas backed away when the offers came. When you're dealing with savages who believe an entire people/culture should be eliminated, IMO there is only one way to respond. War is terrible, but unfortunately necessary.
And you trusted Putin in 2002???
I had cautious hope. I also sincerely hoped Russia would join the greater Euro community. I had hope for Russian-American friendship when the USSR fell. I have a deep respect for the Russian people, because of WWII. I wish they could be free and prosperous...plenty of other countries, I don't give a shit.
I had cautious hope. I also sincerely hoped Russia would join the greater Euro community. I had hope for Russian-American friendship when the USSR fell. I have a deep respect for the Russian people, because of WWII. I wish they could be free and prosperous...plenty of other countries, I don't give a shit.

I trust Patton's instincts more than I trust yours...