Biden - people of color hit hardest by airline "junk fees"

It is the Newport of airlines.
I flew Frontier to Vegas earlier this summer because it was the only direct flight I could find, and it was a mistake. It's an absolute zoo. People are yelling, talking on speaker phone, babies screaming, couples arguing. I thought for sure I was going to witness the ever-classic boarding gate brawl. Never again.
I flew Frontier to Vegas earlier this summer because it was the only direct flight I could find, and it was a mistake. It's an absolute zoo. People are yelling, talking on speaker phone, babies screaming, couples arguing. I thought for sure I was going to witness the ever-classic boarding gate brawl. Never again.
I flew Frontier once and do not recall it being that bad. Granted it was a return flight from Denver so everyone was probably stoned.

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