They are going to go nutso and foam at the mouth. I am doing a good job not responding to certain mouth foamers. Keep up the good work but, this week is going to be big and they are going to dry hump the air.
They are going to go nutso and foam at the mouth. I am doing a good job not responding to certain mouth foamers. Keep up the good work but, this week is going to be big and they are going to dry hump the air.
sign here, coward >>>> ________________________ 🐔 🐔 🐔 🐔America is back!
Look at the people who are mad as hell...AOC, Maddow, don lemon, greed, Reid, Mika and Joe, and pencil neck.
What a wonderful past week it has truly been.
Pic of the dog loving uspammer^^^...If liberals are mad, then our country is on the right track, so I’m happy.
I thought we wanted these decisions in the hands of the States. Is that the case or are we just all hypocrites?
let the states determine how federal funding is spent?I thought we wanted these decisions in the hands of the States. Is that the case or are we just all hypocrites?
I'm just saying, Trump's battle cry is the eliminate the DOE because he says the states need to make decisions based on education.let the states determine how federal funding is spent?
is the new liberal battle cry for trump campaign promises being kept "thought you wanted the states to make these decisions!"?
i keep seeing this spew from liberal minions. is it suppose to be like a abortion type gotcha moment?
"they must meet a high standard, they're representing their government, they're representing our country"
How about playing golf?
Jesus Christ dude"Big Week Coming Up-Heads are going to explode."
- Well this did not age well.