Bill Maher hopes there is a recession?

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
That is how ate up these lefty lunatics are. Let's hope the poor and middle class get pummeled because we don't like Trump. And, that might hurt him politically.

You folks are insane.
If history is any guide, there will be another recession. It shouldn't be unexpected.

Then there's messing with Dodd-Frank - regulations designed to protect us from banks screwing things up. History has shown what will transpire if Banks are left with free reign. Not sure the taxpayer can bail them out of another time.
Mahler is an atheist and the bible says that makes him a fool.Now bill proves it by saying he wants America to crash and burn.
Bill Maher is a typical hollywood liberal elite. I've got my money and am rich regardless of what happens. I don't like this guy so I hope there is a recession that might get him voted out. But, hey I am rich and smarter than you peasants.