Billionaire Clinton Foundation Donor Denied Entry Into US Because Of Terror Ties


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Sep 1, 2007
Nigerian-Lebanese billionaire Gilbert Chagoury continues to be a thorn in the side of Hillary Clinton.

The multi-million dollar Clinton Foundation donor was denied entry into the U.S. last year because of his ties to a Lebanese organization that has allegedly given money to the terrorist group Hezbollah, The Los Angeles Times reports.

The news, which was based on interviews and government documents, comes weeks after emails surfaced showing that in 2009, a Clinton Foundation adviser asked Hillary Clinton’s State Department deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, for a favor on Chagoury’s behalf.

Chagoury, who pledged $1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative in 2009
So, no issue with Hillary taking money from supporters of terrorism? You can take your angle, but then you have to admit that The Clinton Foundation is taking one billion dollars from a guy directly supporting terrorism. Then ask yourself, does a guy who directly supports terrorism really care about African relief?
"ties to a Lebanese organization that has allegedly given money"



So, no issue with Hillary taking money from supporters of terrorism? You can take your angle, but then you have to admit that The Clinton Foundation is taking one billion dollars from a guy directly supporting terrorism. Then ask yourself, does a guy who directly supports terrorism really care about African relief?

I say we take as much money as possible from citizens of other countries, they get more than enough from us.
Why do you find it impossible to have a valid conversation about anything? Are you so insecure that you are not capable of examine your own stances and beliefs? I'm sure you think you are a proud, intelligent, principled man, yet you blindly gallop through life defending a person who, at their core, does not support anything that a man like you really thinks is important. Honestly, integrity, hard work, family, religion, mean nothing to her. Power, control, money are her gods.

Trump isn't much better, if at all, which is why you would have a very difficult time finding anything I have said on this board that would indicate such. However, the difference between us is that I'm not willing to throw my principles out the window to support him just because he's a republican nominee. I'm not to proud to admit that my party's candidate is not someone I can fully support, and I'm certainly not going to devalue my intelligence by ignoring the glaring weaknesses of a candidate when they are plainly visible for all to see.

In reality, you are an exceedingly weak man. You would probably make a great politician because you don't have a real core that you will fight to maintain under any circumstance. You are willing to accept any level of compromise if you think it in some way means you win. You, Mr. extra, exemplify what has gone wrong with this country.
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Why do you find it impossible to have a valid conversation about anything? Are you so insecure that you are not capable of examine your own stances and beliefs? I'm sure you think you are a proud, intelligent, principled man, yet you blindly gallop through life defending a person who, at their core, does not support anything that a man like you really thinks is important. Honestly, integrity, hard work, family, religion, mean nothing to her. Power, control, money are her gods.

Trump isn't much better, if at all, which is why you would have a very difficult time finding anything I have said on this board that would indicate such. However, the difference between us is that I'm not willing to throw my principles out the window to support him just because he's a republican nominee. I'm not to proud to admit that my party's candidate is not someone I can fully support, and I'm certainly not going to devalue my intelligence by ignoring the glaring weaknesses of a candidate when they are plainly visible for all to see.

In reality, you are an exceedingly weak man. You would probably make a great politician because you don't have a real core that you will fight to maintain under any circumstance. You are willing to accept any level of compromise if you think it in some way means you win. You, Mr. extra, exemplify what has gone wrong with this country.

I'll make it simple for you. I don't care much about what you think, much, much less than you think. I don't follow crowds, I follow my own way. You cannot brow beat me into believing the way you do. When you and the rest of your con friends can't have your way, you always turn to personal attacks.

And you wear blinders the size of Boeing wings. You whine and complain because a charitable organization (Clinton Foundation) takes money from foreign countries, but you nor any of the other cons on this board have so much as mentioned one word about the Red Cross, United Nations, World Health Organization, or the George W. Bush foundation for taking money from the same foreign countries. Aren't you concerned that those institutions will return the favors to those foreign countries over the interests of American citizens? No, you don't mind that, because neither of them are running for president as a democrat nominee. Maybe it is YOU that are what's wrong with this country.
No, because none of those were, at the time they took the donations, holding the position of Secretary of State for the United States of America.

Let's assume that there was absolutely no pay for play, even then the potential for corruption, or the appearance of such, undermines the ability to retain credibility. That's why she entered into an agreement with the Obama administration before taking the SOS position. Of course, she totally disregarded that agreement and did whatever she wanted to anyway, consistent with her demonstrated belief that the rules do not apply to her and the Clinton family.

You have no idea how many gifts I returned during a 25 year career in banking. Everything from fruit baskets to event tickets, to vacation vouchers. Not because I would have granted loans to someone just because they bought me some $50 gift, but because just the appearance of potential conflict is unseemly. You talk about clocking in being unethical yet have no problem with her actions. That's just hypocrisy, or stupidity. I leave it up to you to decide which.
You're lying. It is in fact because she is the nominee for president on the democrat ticket, and for no other reason. It is evidently impossible for you to assume there is no pay for play with the Clintons, otherwise it wouldn't be a big deal. Yet you assume no pay for play with the United Nations, World Health Organization, Red Cross, and the George W. Bush organizations. Why doesn't it undermine the credibility of those organizations? Don't answer, I've already answered the question with the first 2 sentences in this post.

Furthermore, explain to us why a Secretary of State would do favors for someone who donated to a charity from which that SOS receives no compensation.
Greed is comparing Red Cross to Clinton Foundation?????? Are you fvcking kidding me??? Ludicrous. Just when you think the man cant get any dumber.

The people of (flooded out) Louisiana eagerly await the Clinton Foundation to show up with blankets, cots, food, water, temporary shelter, clothing, etc. FYI......they haven't, and wont be showing up.
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from eg above
"or the George W. Bush foundation for taking money from the same foreign countries."

You're lying. It is in fact because she is the nominee for president on the democrat ticket, and for no other reason. It is evidently impossible for you to assume there is no pay for play with the Clintons, otherwise it wouldn't be a big deal. Yet you assume no pay for play with the United Nations, World Health Organization, Red Cross, and the George W. Bush organizations. Why doesn't it undermine the credibility of those organizations? Don't answer, I've already answered the question with the first 2 sentences in this post.

Furthermore, explain to us why a Secretary of State would do favors for someone who donated to a charity from which that SOS receives no compensation.

The ultimate in stupidity is believing you know someone else's thoughts better than they know their own.

Hezbollah is not just a militia. It is also a political party and a social services organization. If this man wanted to give money for social projects in Lebanon, in a lot of communities that money is going to go through Hezbollah.

That certainly doesn't mean he has terrorist ties. And being denied a visa also means little, because the US adheres to a formal position that all Hezbollah is bad. Unofficially, the US government probably does differently. I would not be surprised if we provide arms to certain Hezbollah factions fighting ISIS while simultaneously giving arms to others fighting Hezbollah factions that are fighting on the pro-Assad front of the Syrian civil war.

Hezbollah is also fairly unique in extremist Islamic militias in that it allows Christians to join. And I don't mean just the political or social services side, Christians can join the actual militia side of Hezbollah. They have actual Christian and non-relgious brigades.

Short version: the Middle East is a clusterfvck where nothing is black or white and I seriously doubt this man funded "terrorism".