

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
I was just walking to my gym. For a short part of the way, I was behind a guy walking his foo-foo dog. No problem with that. Dogs provide value including companionship (including an extra hole when your old lady won’t put out), can be used to provide medically needed services, provide security, and can be taught how to do tasks.

So I have no problem with the guy walking his 7 lbs. rat-dog. But here’s my issue: He was also wearing a clear backpack. Inside of the backpack? A parrot.

What kind of fvcking kook has a bird as a pet? Unlike dogs, they can’t be trained to go the bathroom only outdoors, so they shit and piss in your house. Unlike dogs, they can’t cuddle or really provide adequate security. Somewhat like dogs, they can be used as food for your Haitian neighbors.

So you find them cute because they respond to you when you talk? So does Alexa, you fvcking a$$hole, and she doesn’t shit in your house nor smell. You enjoy their chirping? Open your goddamn windows! We live amongst tens of thousands of acres of a nature reserve. I’ve contemplated taking a BB gun to the birds that insist on waking me up every morning at 5:30 by singing right next to the windows in my primary.

It’s uncomfortable knowing that somebody in my neighborhood is enough of a kook to have a bird as a pet.

Any of you under the age of 75 who have a bird as a pet, it’s your duty to confess in this thread so the rest of us sane posters can know who and what we are dealing with.