Blizzardcane 2015


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 4, 2007
Once again the meteorologist were basically dead wrong on the amount of snow to be dropped on NY and Philadelphia. I wish I coumd be wrong like that in my job and still be employeed
Well, I am sure your job is easier to be perfect at.

Mets are in a pickle...people want accurate (as in 100% accurate, apparently) forecasts further out in time, and the same people are too dense to get up to the minute info even though it is available 24/7 on TV and the internet.

Forecasts are now more accurate than ever. 100% perfection is impossible even a day out. That's atmospheric dynamics for you.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Son and daughter-in-law are in Cambridge. He tells me the drifting is about 4-5 feet this morning off of about 20 inches of snow and steady 30-40 mph wind. DIL stayed over at Mass. General last night as there was no way she could get back there this morning as the trains aren't running. Most of the other docs stayed also, probably a good time to be a patient. lol
This just in...Newsflash: It usually snows a lot in the northeast in January.

Further, no need to worry about a 24 hour weather prediction anyway. We are all due to be extinct within a few short years. The computer models are predicting.....Ehhhhh........Is the world climate cooling or warming now??? Not sure what the tree huggers are saying this month? Either way, we will be boiling or frozen in the rising seas..........
Take it easy Al Roker. Laughing at all the weather hysteria and sensationalism over a snow storm in January is as funny as watching an old Seinfeld episode.
I get that they have to be better hysterical than accurate, but CNN showed once again why no one takes them (especially Don Lemon) seriously amy more.
Long Island got hammered as well, the system was just a bit more to the east than predicted , it was still pretty fierce.
The strength of the storm was exactly as predicted, only the path of highest impact was off.
"Blizzardcane" doesn't roll off the tongue the way "SnowValanche 2015" or "SnowSoon 2015" do.

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