Bradshaw charged

I do agree but I have to wonder why any athlete would smoke anything since it does limit lung capacity and with so much on the line it could end a lucrative career God is this my longest sentence ever?
Yes just legalize it already. It's stupid. Who cares if someone smokes some weed now and again.
If he gets cut it will be because he is approaching the shelf life of a running back and the last 2 seasons have ended for him on IR.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Herdon2:
Yes just legalize it already. It's stupid. Who cares if someone smokes some weed now and again.
All I said is that it is against the law. Maybe it will be changed, but the thing that is wrong with it now is its illegal.

Run to be a legislator in Ohio and change the law, or call someone that is. It's too late to help Ahmad though.
This post was edited on 2/18 12:41 PM by Herdmeister
Yeah because losing iq points and getting rid of neural pathways in the brain is no big deal.
Originally posted by Herdon2:
Yes just legalize it already. It's stupid. Who cares if someone smokes some weed now and again.
Aren't you a health care worker.
Originally posted by cocky jeremy:

Originally posted by Herdmeister:

Originally posted by sistersville:
He had a little pot on him, big deal.
It's against the law!
So? It shouldn't be. All just a scam for make the for profit prisons some cash.
Then vote to change it.... Until then it IS against the law and should be prosecuted like any other broken law.
Originally posted by herdfan429:
Yeah because losing iq points and getting rid of neural pathways in the brain is no big deal.
Well I'm not sure how any substance can accomplish those two things, but I do know cannibis does neither.

15 years ago, I was shocked to find my mom thought it caused hallucinations and sexual violence. There were probably four generations of Americans who were deliberately misinformed about the nature of cannibis. How, in the age of the internet, this stuff is still advanced is testament to how little interest most of us have in learning, regardless of how many functioning IQ points or "neural pathways" they have left.

This post was edited on 2/19 9:49 AM by herdalicious
Originally posted by herdalicious:
Originally posted by herdfan429:
Yeah because losing iq points and getting rid of neural pathways in the brain is no big deal.
Well I'm not sure how any substance can accomplish those two things, but I do know cannibis does neither.

15 years ago, I was shocked to find my mom thought it caused hallucinations and sexual violence. There were probably four generations of Americans who were deliberately misinformed about the nature of cannibis. How, in the age of the internet, this stuff is still advanced is testament to how little interest most of us have in learning, regardless of how many functioning IQ points or "neural pathways" they have left.

This post was edited on 2/19 9:49 AM by herdalicious
Quick google search shows you are wrong. Teenage use of marijuana can cause a reduction in IQ.

From NY times
Here's what my quick Google search revealed - see link.

Turns out the initial study only used 38 respondents, and casually disregarded contributing social behavior factors unrelated to cannibis use (including the use of perfectly legal alcohol, which is known to irreparably damage your liver, heart and brain). In other words, they engineered their results and no subsequent study has been able to recreate them.

This post was edited on 2/19 10:22 AM by herdalicious

Washington Post
We can debate effects of marijuana until we are all blue in the face. But the increasing potency of thc, from about 1-2% in the 70s to over 10% now, isn't fully understood, short or long term. I don't smoke, I don't see the point. I have a drink or two occasionally. Do I really care if other people smoke, not really but it is illegal and if you get caught you should accept your punishment.
He's an idiot. always has been. Won't pay his dag on child support either.

Most people who smoke are morons, but it's even MORE moronic to be in his position and continue doing it.