California had a shoooting

It's illlllegal to purchase a beer under the age of 21 in Nevada, but it's ok to purchase a high powered rifle. Makes perfect sense.
So you think the drinking age should be lowered?

I do, in fact, ya liar. If you're old enough to serve in the military, you're old enough to buy a beer. It does not follow, for me, that being of military age gives you the right to privately own a high powered rifle.
I do, in fact, ya liar. If you're old enough to serve in the military, you're old enough to buy a beer. It does not follow, for me, that being of military age gives you the right to privately own a high powered rifle.

What do you consider a "high powered rifle"? Please don't embarrass yourself by saying something like an AR-15.
What do you consider a "high powered rifle"? Please don't embarrass yourself by saying something like an AR-15.

I shouldn't have used that term. My thoughts on rifles are actually that they should not be automatic or semi-automatic, and have limited size clips.
I shouldn't have used that term. My thoughts on rifles are actually that they should not be automatic or semi-automatic, and have limited size clips.

Aren't most rifles at least semi automatic? I don't see many people with bolt action.
It's illlllegal to purchase a beer under the age of 21 in Nevada, but it's ok to purchase a high powered rifle. Makes perfect sense.

Lower the drinking age.

The vast majority of the land in Nevada is so rural it makes WV look like NYC. Nothing wrong with a young man hunting out there. And he better have something more high-powered than an AR. 7mm Mag is good for elk hunting.
From Dana Loesch and she is correct.

This is how media spreads lies. They worked hard to get the "cross-state loophole" angle. What they missed? It was against the law for the murderer to bring his AK (looked like it was a WASR-10?) into CA. CA requires registration (public registration period is closed as per info on AG site). The murderer was ineligible to purchase in California (unless he had a hunting license) because current law is 21+ only can buy a rifle -- but the Police Chief intimated that the murderer still had a Nevada valid license which would have made for a legal NV purchase.

A criminal act is NOT a "loophole." It is a criminal act. It's not a "loophole" if you continue driving on a suspended license, it's a criminal act.
This would make shooting beer cans a lot less fun.

I was sitting on my neighbor's porch a few nights ago boasting to him about how I have a few guns.

He said "A few guns? Pffft! I have over 30 guns."

I told him that it was ridiculous to have that many guns and asked him why he would need that many. He responded that he needed that many guns to shoot cans with.

Again, I told him that it was ridiculous to have that many guns and asked him why he would need over 30 guns to just shoot cans.

He said "Well, because there are lots of types of cans: Mexicans, Dominicans, African-Americans . . . "
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It does not follow, for me, that being of military age gives you the right to privately own a high powered rifle.

Yet that's what 18 year old soldiers use.

Should we raise the entrance age for the military?
I’m glad we have someone like extra that is knowledgeable enough to bring up clip restrictions. Garands and K98s have been terrorizing the streets for far too long.

You wouldn't like my clip restrictions, moron.
Opioids are a popular deer gun?

You didn't know?
