Cannot Show "The Interview"? Well No "Team America" Either...

It his is beyond insane. The bleeding hearts didn't say a word when they made the GWBush assassination documentary. We have crossed the event horizon in this country. We can no longer have any artistic expression or satire. Obama should come out and say "FVCK IT, bring it little man, next time you launch one of your bottle rockets we will make sure it ends up right up your a$$
I'm going to call Sony and offer them a million bucks for the rights to The Interview. If they never plan on releasing it, why not take the money? I'll distribute it to independent theaters and make a fortune.
The Interview is going to kill it on the home market if they ever release it. And it's stupid that we're letting NK bully us.

And don't blame the bleeding hearts for this one, I haven't seen anyone calling for the movie not to be released. This is a bunch of theaters not wanting to be 'the one' where something happens.
Here you go handh
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by herdfan429:
Here you go handh
Posted from Rivals Mobile
She's a moron then. If someone thinks that it's a bad movie to make then they can just not go and see it.
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
A nation of cowards beat into submission by a 5th-rate tinpot lunatic.
Good gravy. What have we become.

I can't stand it anymore. What a bunch of vaginas. Tell that commie to go sit and spin on a pickle. What are we so afraid of?
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
Utterly ridiculous.

Team America, my place. Saturday. All are welcome. If the North Koreans attack, I have a variety of firearms and some trees from which to hang the corpses.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Count me in on that action.