CBS edits out Bill Clinton "slip" on Hillary health

Didn't realize freedom of the press included the freedom to purposely manipulate the news to fit an agenda. Oh, I know it happens, but people are actually confused as to why some don't trust the government, the press or much of anything anymore?
along the same lines, Katie Couric is being sued for $12 mil for defamation. funny how a second or two of creative editing here and there can make well spoken intelligent gun owners sound like Yosemite Sam...
along the same lines, Katie Couric is being sued for $12 mil for defamation. funny how a second or two of creative editing here and there can make well spoken intelligent gun owners sound like Yosemite Sam...
It wasn't selective editing it was just done to save time
"Everyone knows the media isn't biased to protect (and promote) liberal (ideology). this was an innocent edit." ---people with their head in the sand everywhere
yeah, edit for time. What does it take, about 1.5 seconds to say frequently, not frequently?
The top two stories on right now is "Is He Healthy" and "Trump has Conflict of Interest Overseas." I'm no Trump fan but come the fvck on.
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Harry Reid held a press conference to discuss Trump's weight and eating habits...