chickens coming home

There may be one opening at a Fortune 100 cabinet manufacturer in the US.

Caveat, you must be illegal and work under the table. Free room and board in the 5x5 unheated warehouse. Free coffee after 8:30 pm
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Think of the potential greatness of this, but PC bullshit of course won't allow it.

Imagine a country where everyone lives like a king without doing anything. The "work" is all shipped out or robotic. Mostly robotic would be better. Dealing with these foreigners all the time isn't ideal. Akin to slavery, will come back to bite you in the ass eventually.

Anyhow, the labor is all done by machines and idiots. Anybody with sense sits around watching TV and thinking about when to have their next snack.

American Greatness
Now Disney is releasing gay cartoons another liberal attempt to indoctrinate children at a young age.
Nobody should even have anymore kids anyway. I can't believe people haven't figured that out by now. Kids are awful. Women are bossy and fat now. Or will be after they have kids.

Time to quit having them and let us be the last generation. It's gonna turn to shit later anyway. This gay indoctrination stuff may be a good start. Gays won't have kids. Go gays go. Go away.
Now Disney is releasing gay cartoons another liberal attempt to indoctrinate children at a young age.
