Christian Spears Socializing with Neo-Nazi


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
I posted this on the main board, but since some of the moderators are cowards, I will post it here in case it gets deleted or moved.

In case some of you haven't kept up with this story that is running wild on Huntington social media sites, a quick summary is below. And it keeps getting worse . . .

Matt White, a former Marshall baseball player, is running for a spot on the Huntington City Council. On September 19th, a fundraiser for his campaign was hosted at the house of Huntingtonian Nick Goff. Goff has recently been exposed as the person behind an X (formerly Twitter) account that has been posting extremely vile tweets full of racism, anti-semitism, sexism, and homophobia. He has posted things like "White Supremacy!" to give you an idea. Just a small sampling of those tweets are below, and there are dozens more about the same subjects:


Now, a West Virginia based investigative reporter has uncovered the political donors who attended Goff's event at his house. On that list with a $250 donation? Christian Spears.

Based on the documents uncovered, there weren't many people at this event (at least based on the lists of donors). It's fair to say that most attendees probably knew the host, Nick Goff, quite well. Surely, the political candidate knows him well. And since Goff makes frequent political comments, it is fair to assume that some, if not all, are shared by both the political candidate and those attending the event and donating.

Spears, in his position, really is putting a target on this back by not only associating with this kind of people, but also doing it for political reasons and donating. I don't know Spears, but I called him out earlier in the year for a boneheaded comment he made on air, something an intelligent, polished, and experienced person in his level should not be saying. This just adds to that opinion.

I'm sure there are plenty of black student-athletes, Jewish students, gay students, and female student-athletes who will want answers from Spears about why he is associating with this type of people and why he is donating to a fundraiser for a person who has these political stances.
couldn't post this in one of the many other threads where you've obsessed over this guy by mentioning him?

yore borderline over the top creepy at this point.
couldn't post this in one of the many other threads where you've obsessed over this guy by mentioning him?

yore borderline over the top creepy at this point.
You're a liar. Want proof?? You're here.
couldn't post this in one of the many other threads where you've obsessed over this guy by mentioning him?

yore borderline over the top creepy at this point.
It’s far bigger now when the Marshall AD is involved, socializing with, and donating money to the candidate at the same fundraiser. Even somebody of your intelligence should be able to understand that.
It’s far bigger now when the Marshall AD is involved, socializing with, and donating money to the candidate at the same fundraiser. Even somebody of your intelligence should be able to understand that.
Your obsession murox is unhealthy. Seek help
Your obsession murox is unhealthy. Seek help
English, please. They don't allow people into UNC who can't form a coherent sentence.

And this is good. A guy goes around for years - literally many years - randomly asking people if they know me. He has admitted to doing it to at least two people. I've had at least three others (possibly more) reach out to me asking if I knew him, since he was randomly asking them if they knew me and asking them strange questions about me. Yet I am the obsessed one for exposing how much of a shitty person he is.

You must be new here. It's no secret that I enjoy calling people out for being pieces of shit. Middle Class Murox is far from the only subject of that, especially since he isn't here anymore. As you can see from the screenshots below, I have no problem doing that frequently. Unfortunately, in a neighborhood where people's livelihoods and income depend on business from others, some people can't really call out others for being pieces of shit. But I am not in that situation, because ya' know, rich. So I get the honor of getting to call people out for being pieces of shit, like I called out the police officers for a couple of weeks ago: