Christians Sure are a Kinky Bunch

Odd that you didn't have anything good to say about the pastor that turned them in to the authorities.
Odd that you didn't have anything good to say about the pastor that turned them in to the authorities.

How can you have anything good to say about a guy who claims that the rape of a girl by her six brothers for a decade is about as bad of a sin as homosexuality?

That statement is as fvcked as the actions allowed by this Christian family.
How can you have anything good to say about a guy who claims that the rape of a girl by her six brothers for a decade is about as bad of a sin as homosexuality?

That statement is as fvcked as the actions allowed by this Christian family.

And sometimes your hatred obscures your reading comprehension. The pastor and elder in the article are 2 different people.
And sometimes your hatred obscures your reading comprehension. The pastor and elder in the article are 2 different people.

. . . who had to "collaborate" (his word) with each other a day after the confession to determine what to do.

So, religion has warped the minds of these two pastors so much, that after hearing about a horrible crime, they needed to let the crime continue to potentially happen another night because they weren't sure what the proper thing to do was.

I would have loved to have heard the conversation between the pastor and the elder. Yet, your kind wants to show appreciation for these guys. Unbelievable.
. . . who had to "collaborate" (his word) with each other a day after the confession to determine what to do.

So, religion has warped the minds of these two pastors so much, that after hearing about a horrible crime, they needed to let the crime continue to potentially happen another night because they weren't sure what the proper thing to do was.

I would have loved to have heard the conversation between the pastor and the elder. Yet, your kind wants to show appreciation for these guys. Unbelievable.

First, I didn't read anywhere in that article about any "collaboration". Secondly, they did the right thing, but still.....Odd that you didn't have anything good to say about the pastor that turned them in to the authorities.
In the eyes of God no sin is greater then the next so what the pastor said is true
First, I didn't read anywhere in that article about any "collaboration". Secondly, they did the right thing, but still.....Odd that you didn't have anything good to say about the pastor that turned them in to the authorities.

why would I have anything good to say about a pastor who had to collaborate with another person, potentially allow the raping to continue for another night, just to determine if he should contact the police or not? That is a piece of shit person.

It doesn't have to be in that article. Scott brown has his own blog/website. Here are his words. You can google to find the rest of this passage:

"Now, you may have heard that Hope Baptist has two of her members in jail on sex offenses against their sister. The tragic family life of the Jacksons is almost overwhelming. It is a story we will never forget.

But how did this come to light? The reason this story is in the national news right now is because of the power of the gospel. Eric Jackson came to the church, responded to the preaching of the Word of God, recognized that he was a false convert, embraced the true gospel, and was born again. His new heart compelled him want to walk in the light. As a result, he confessed his sin.

He first went to my fellow Hope Baptist pastor, Dan Horn and confessed. We collaborated on the situation and the next day Dan called to report it to the authorities in Elizabeth City. Shortly thereafter Dan went with Eric to t
he authorities to turn himself in. In that meeting Eric exposed the patterns of evil in his home and his past participation in it. Finally, 18 months later when their investigation was complete, 8 of the 11 family members were indicted by a grand jury and jailed to await trial. The father and the mother, Jon and Nita Jackson are out of jail on bond."
I saw a black girl walk into the restaurant yesterday and take two rolls and then she walked out the door.

Are all black people thieves? Or was she just an idiot who didn't want to pay for the salad bar.

Are all people associated with Penn State child molesters or part of their cover up?
why would I have anything good to say about a pastor who had to collaborate with another person, potentially allow the raping to continue for another night, just to determine if he should contact the police or not? That is a piece of shit person.

It doesn't have to be in that article. Scott brown has his own blog/website. Here are his words. You can google to find the rest of this passage:

"Now, you may have heard that Hope Baptist has two of her members in jail on sex offenses against their sister. The tragic family life of the Jacksons is almost overwhelming. It is a story we will never forget.

But how did this come to light? The reason this story is in the national news right now is because of the power of the gospel. Eric Jackson came to the church, responded to the preaching of the Word of God, recognized that he was a false convert, embraced the true gospel, and was born again. His new heart compelled him want to walk in the light. As a result, he confessed his sin.

He first went to my fellow Hope Baptist pastor, Dan Horn and confessed. We collaborated on the situation and the next day Dan called to report it to the authorities in Elizabeth City. Shortly thereafter Dan went with Eric to t
he authorities to turn himself in. In that meeting Eric exposed the patterns of evil in his home and his past participation in it. Finally, 18 months later when their investigation was complete, 8 of the 11 family members were indicted by a grand jury and jailed to await trial. The father and the mother, Jon and Nita Jackson are out of jail on bond."

Still haven't heard anything from you as to how the pastor did the right thing. You coaches sure are perverted.
Still haven't heard anything from you as to how the pastor did the right thing. You coaches sure are perverted.

Why is this so hard for you to understand? I've gone over this already. You haven't heard anything from me about the pastor doing the right thing because he didn't do the right thing!

As raoul stated, why the fvck would this asshole allow a potential other night of horror for this girl? Why would he have to "collaborate" with another pastor to come to the decision if they should report continuous child rape? Ethically, there should be absolutely no discussion or plan on the right thing to do in that case.

Legally, in both North Carolina (where this took place) and West Virginia (where you are), there is no clergy-penitent privilege in cases of child abusers. Ethically and legally, the pastor has to report it immediately.

Yet, this asshole has to "collaborate" on what the right thing to do is, and by the looks of it, only ended up reporting it because it was illegal not to.
That he collaborated to see if it was illegal to not report the crime is pure conjecture on your part. And of course your conjecture assumes the very worst possible due to the fact it has something religion related. On this topic, you revel in the blinders you wear. Penn State has proven that all coaches and school administrators are perverts.
Then, by all means, ET, tell us how it is the right thing to do not to report that crime knowing it very well could continue that night with that little girl.

Tell us why else pastor horn would have to "collaborate" with pastor brown the next day before deciding to tell the authorities.

Did pastor horn need help finding the number to the local police?
Then, by all means, ET, tell us how it is the right thing to do not to report that crime knowing it very well could continue that night with that little girl.

Tell us why else pastor horn would have to "collaborate" with pastor brown the next day before deciding to tell the authorities.

Did pastor horn need help finding the number to the local police?

You've already answered all the questions, because evidently you have all the facts. Can you give us a word for word account of the conversation. It would be helpful for us to have that and then we could determine if all of your assumptions are correct.
I asked two very simple questions; one in each paragraph. The other pastor made it quite clear what happened on his website. But, I'm guessing you know more about it than he does, right?

Keep hiding from answering the questions. You know I have the answers from the other pastor, so you avoid them on purpose to limit the amount of foolishness you show.
I'm thinking they were meeting the night before, just to see if there was any opportunity they themselves could conquer some young bush. When they figured out they had no chance, then they decided to assist in turning him in to authorities.
I asked two very simple questions; one in each paragraph. The other pastor made it quite clear what happened on his website. But, I'm guessing you know more about it than he does, right?

Keep hiding from answering the questions. You know I have the answers from the other pastor, so you avoid them on purpose to limit the amount of foolishness you show.

I'm waiting on the word for word account you were privy to.
In other words, you have no answer.

Pastor horn, when questioned about why he didn't immediately report it, claimed that he had another engagement the evening shortly after the molester confessed with the details to him, horn didn't feel there was an immediate threat to the girl that night, and horn wanted to ask other elders about whether it would be better for horn to turn himself in or for them to contact the police without his knowledge.
In other words, you have no answer.

Pastor horn, when questioned about why he didn't immediately report it, claimed that he had another engagement the evening shortly after the molester confessed with the details to him, horn didn't feel there was an immediate threat to the girl that night, and horn wanted to ask other elders about whether it would be better for horn to turn himself in or for them to contact the police without his knowledge.
Have a link?
Have a link?

How about an entire email response?

In answer to the question that you sent to NCFIC, the actual reason that it wasn't reported until the next day had to do with perceived threat level and simple logistics. The level of threat to the victim was perceived to be pretty low but expected to increase. The last known incident was six months before, but three brothers were going back home for Christmas a couple days after I found out, which appeared to significantly increase the threat level. Eric told me at 6:00 p.m., thirty minutes before another engagement that lasted late into the evening. I do not even remember (its been two and a half years) what the engagement was and but it would have been difficult to cancel. I didn't see the threat sufficiently imminent to warrant cancellation. The sheriff's office obviously had even a lower perception of the level of threat, because they didn't send anyone to investigate for three week.s

Our elders meeting was a 7:30 the next morning, so I brought it up then before there was really a good opportunity to report it since I did not (nor do now) believe that it warranted a 911 call. I do not believe that any of the three elders of Hope had the idea that it shouldn't be reported or that clergy privilege should restrict our responsibility to report it. Pastors have a responsibility to expose the works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11). When the Roman Catholic Church decided that they should hid the works of darkness and "deal" with it themselves, they ignored the reality that the civil magistrates are appointed as the avengers of God's wrath (Romans 13:4) and that is not to be the role of the church. The question that I raised at the elders meeting is whether I should first go to Eric and attempt to persuade him to turn himself in or whether I should report it without giving him the opportunity. Another question was whether to report it to the Child Protection Services or the sheriff. Because of some family dynamics, we all agreed that reporting it directly without Eric's knowledge was the more righteous course of action. Once the sheriff hadn't acted for a couple weeks and Eric was back from visiting his family, I spoke to him and he believed that he should turn himself in even before the sheriff acted on the call.

As for potential illegalities related to my disclosure of information, I would argue that it is correctly considered as part of church discipline so it is the church acting within its jurisdiction toward a church member. It would be very strange for a court to believe that it could restrict the rights of the church in such a matter, especially since in this case NC law compels reporting. Additionally, I would never make the promise to anyone that I am not going to act on the information according to how I believe God's word would dictate how I act. If someone told me that they would only speak to me if I promised to keep it in confidentiality, I would (and on a few occasions have) tell them not to tell me because I am not going to participate in their sin which I could potentially do by reporting when it is just to report. I do not believe that there has ever been a case, where the person has not told me.

I hope this answers your question. Let me know if you have any further.

Dan Horn
This is a pretty ironic statement considering you have been hiding from answering my question for over two weeks now.

Big Coward, we have gone over this enough times already. When you're ready to accept my part of the challenge, I'll accept your part. Even a poster who never takes my side told you to just answer my questions since you asked me to do something, I accepted, on the stipulation that you first answer my questions.

If you really thought you had some brilliant trap question, you would simply answer mine and then get my response.
For someone who prides himself on logic, you're absolutely void of it on this one. Why do I have to answer your question first? Why dont you have to answer mine first? After all, I asked first, and it is a pretty simple question. Spin it however you want. You're avoiding me on purpose.
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It's how challenges work. Manny pacquiao asked Floyd mayweather to fight him. Mayweather accepted the challenge, as long as pacquiao did some things that he asked for.
God (figuratively), I love having Extra back. It wasn't the same without him.
The thing about it is, he doesn't aim to convince anyone to leave their religion. Clearly he wants them to keep worshiping God so he can keep laughing at them. Getting in people's faces and making fun of what they hold dear is no way to bring about change, but it's probably a hell of a lot of fun.

How about an entire email response?

In answer to the question that you sent to NCFIC, the actual reason that it wasn't reported until the next day had to do with perceived threat level and simple logistics. The level of threat to the victim was perceived to be pretty low but expected to increase. The last known incident was six months before, but three brothers were going back home for Christmas a couple days after I found out, which appeared to significantly increase the threat level. Eric told me at 6:00 p.m., thirty minutes before another engagement that lasted late into the evening. I do not even remember (its been two and a half years) what the engagement was and but it would have been difficult to cancel. I didn't see the threat sufficiently imminent to warrant cancellation. The sheriff's office obviously had even a lower perception of the level of threat, because they didn't send anyone to investigate for three week.s

Our elders meeting was a 7:30 the next morning, so I brought it up then before there was really a good opportunity to report it since I did not (nor do now) believe that it warranted a 911 call. I do not believe that any of the three elders of Hope had the idea that it shouldn't be reported or that clergy privilege should restrict our responsibility to report it. Pastors have a responsibility to expose the works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11). When the Roman Catholic Church decided that they should hid the works of darkness and "deal" with it themselves, they ignored the reality that the civil magistrates are appointed as the avengers of God's wrath (Romans 13:4) and that is not to be the role of the church. The question that I raised at the elders meeting is whether I should first go to Eric and attempt to persuade him to turn himself in or whether I should report it without giving him the opportunity. Another question was whether to report it to the Child Protection Services or the sheriff. Because of some family dynamics, we all agreed that reporting it directly without Eric's knowledge was the more righteous course of action. Once the sheriff hadn't acted for a couple weeks and Eric was back from visiting his family, I spoke to him and he believed that he should turn himself in even before the sheriff acted on the call.

As for potential illegalities related to my disclosure of information, I would argue that it is correctly considered as part of church discipline so it is the church acting within its jurisdiction toward a church member. It would be very strange for a court to believe that it could restrict the rights of the church in such a matter, especially since in this case NC law compels reporting. Additionally, I would never make the promise to anyone that I am not going to act on the information according to how I believe God's word would dictate how I act. If someone told me that they would only speak to me if I promised to keep it in confidentiality, I would (and on a few occasions have) tell them not to tell me because I am not going to participate in their sin which I could potentially do by reporting when it is just to report. I do not believe that there has ever been a case, where the person has not told me.

I hope this answers your question. Let me know if you have any further.

Dan Horn

And so your argument is that the threat level was high? And after years of this happening to the girl, the next day was critical. OK.
And so your argument is that the threat level was high? And after years of this happening to the girl, the next day was critical. OK.

Religious arguments's interesting to see that Greed doesn't find the potential risk of one more day/night of continued child rape/incest that big of a deal.
And so your argument is that the threat level was high? And after years of this happening to the girl, the next day was critical. OK.

That's one of the more unbelievable things I've read on here. You're an uncompassionate piece of shit.

The girl has been raped for years by a half-dozen of her family members. What's one more night of being raped, right, especially if it may lead to you being late for an event in the booming metropolis of wake forest, North Carolina.

Way to show your true colors, asshole.
Eric told me at 6:00 p.m., thirty minutes before another engagement that lasted late into the evening. I do not even remember (its been two and a half years) what the engagement was and but it would have been difficult to cancel. I didn't see the threat sufficiently imminent to warrant cancellation. The sheriff's office obviously had even a lower perception of the level of threat, because they didn't send anyone to investigate for three week.

Our elders meeting was a 7:30 the next morning, so I brought it up then before there was really a good opportunity to report it since I did not (nor do now) believe that it warranted a 911 call.

What the hell kind of prior engagement is more important than child rape? Unless this pastor can actually raise the dead and had to get to a stiff before the rot set in, I can't see what in the hell he was thinking...unless he was thinking about covering up shit.

The sheriff's office there is obviously a clusterfvck. These sons of bitches were a danger to society, not just their sister. Molesters and rapists very, very rarely stop at one victim.

Any dipshit knows you don't have to call 911 to get a detective on the phone.
That's one of the more unbelievable things I've read on here. You're an uncompassionate piece of shit.

The girl has been raped for years by a half-dozen of her family members. What's one more night of being raped, right, especially if it may lead to you being late for an event in the booming metropolis of wake forest, North Carolina.

Way to show your true colors, asshole.

Personally, I think one of the things on your bucket list is tapping your sister, and you're just jealous.
Now that we know what goes on in Greed's family...its best we all move on. The "super Christian" scripture quoting appear to be total bullshit too. Not that this is a surprise.

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