Chuck Hagel Approval Rating at 26% Among Personnel


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 4, 2007
From the article:

The "Defense One National Security Survey" released Friday found few individuals inside the national security government think highly of the Obama administration's national security strategy. The survey found that only 4 percent of respondents "strongly agree" and 16 percent "agree" that the White House has "a clear national security strategy." Conversely, 73 percent of respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed with that statement.

The survey also found that 50 percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed the U.S. relies too heavily on its military to achieve its foreign policy goals, but 77 percent of respondents think the world is "more dangerous" than it was in 2008, when Obama was elected.

But as the chief of the massive Defense Department, it is Hagel's poor showing among many of his own employees that is most striking. Hagel has a 35 percent disapproval rating among the respondents, most of which are federal workers and troops who serve under his leadership. Perhaps more concerning for a Defense Secretary grappling with myriad world crises but whose public profile has been limited, 39 percent of those respondents said they had "no opinion" of whether Hagel was doing a good job or not.

This post was edited on 11/8 2:11 PM by wisemaniac

Hagel Could Be Losing Job Soon
Few want to hear this but my time in the Marines overlapped Clinton and Bush WH's and there was little doubt that folks preferred Rumsfeld to Cohen any day of the week.

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