Clinton Network

cnn has become a parody of itself. When the channel isn't spewing ridiculous airplane crash porn it's worse than SNL dragging a Trump skit out to fill time.
cnn has become a parody of itself. When the channel isn't spewing ridiculous airplane crash porn it's worse than SNL dragging a Trump skit out to fill time.
During the last saga, I honestly thought they were going to change their name to PCN,
The cheerleading on both sides is pathetic. Fox News is even difficult to watch.

It's just boring now to sit and know what the people on there think before they even start talking. Based on the letter by their name, what organization they represent, or if they're blacks not named Ben Carson and Mexicans not named Ted Cruz.

These people on all these channels are not their own person. They're all pimped out by somebody rich who doesn't have the face or voice for TV. These people are just faces and voices. Not minds.